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許朝詠 - The Journey of Digital Transformation in the Steel Industry Driven by AI Technology - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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The Journey of Digital Transformation in the Steel Industry Driven by AI Technology

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⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R0 - International Conference Hall

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  • 許朝詠 Chao-Yung Hsu
  • China Steel Corporation / Intelligent Solution Technology Section, Scientist
  • Dr. Chao-Yung Hsu received his Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2012, focusing on computer vision, information security, and artificial intelligence. From 2012 to 2014, he served as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, where he specialized in AI research. Since 2014, Dr. Hsu has been with China Steel Corporation, leveraging computer vision and AI technologies to optimize steel manufacturing processes and implement automation. His work includes successfully completing over ten projects, such as the development of unmanned crane systems. Since 2023, he has been contributing to China Steel's digital transformation efforts, focusing on integrating innovative technologies to enhance operational efficiency and improve workflows.

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