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楊政霖 - LLMs in Cybersecurity Products: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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LLMs in Cybersecurity Products: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R1 - 1st Conference Room


Large Language Models (LLMs) have been a major focus in the tech world for nearly two years, sparking debates over whether they are overhyped or genuinely transformative. In this talk, I will explore how CyCraft Technology has harnessed LLMs across various cybersecurity domains, focusing on three critical aspects: - The Good: Discover how LLM-empowered products significantly enhance the efficiency of security experts, reducing incident response times and revolutionizing threat management. - The Bad: Uncover the domain-specific challenges we encounter when integrating LLMs into cybersecurity, including issues of scalability, accuracy, and adaptation to rapidly evolving threats. - The Ugly: Examine the fundamental security vulnerabilities inherent in LLMs, highlighting the risks they pose and the potential for exploitation by malicious actors. Join us for an insightful journey into the practical applications, challenges, and pitfalls of deploying LLMs in the cybersecurity landscape.

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  • 楊政霖 Cheng-Lin Yang
  • CyCraft / Director of Data Science
  • Dr. Cheng-Lin Yang is currently a Data Science Director at CyCraft Technology, where he is responsible for organizing and leading the data science team. His research focuses on constructing efficient and effective machine learning workflows and utilizing machine learning techniques to automate detection and response at each phase of the cyberattack kill chain. He has been a speaker at various prestigious conferences such as Black Hat USA, Troopers, FIRST CTI, SINCON, CYBERSEC, SECCON, PyCon Taiwan, and AWS Summit Taiwan.

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