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游家牧 - 資料與隱私的平衡 - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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好資料哪裡來? 資料與隱私的平衡

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R4 - Flat Presentation Room

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  • 游家牧 Chia-Mu Yu
    Website: https://chiamuyu.weebly.com/
  • National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University / Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Chia-Mu Yu (Senior Member, IEEE) received his Ph.D. degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He is currently an Associate Professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, where he holds the title of Hwa Tse Roger Liang Junior Chair Professor. His research interests encompass AI safety, data privacy, and network security. Dr. Yu has been honored with several awards, including the Young Scholar Fellowship, the K. T. Li Young Researcher Award, the Observational Research Scholarship from the Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, and the Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators. He has served as a Guest Editor for ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, and Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Additionally, Dr. Yu has been a TPC Member for conferences such as ACM CCS, USENIX Security, ACM AsiaCCS, IEEE SaTML, IEEE/IFIP DSN, and IEEE CLOUD. He is also an active editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. He also served as a Technical Consultant for National Institute of Cyber Security in the field of AI Safety.
  • Co-panelists:
    卞中佩 Chung-pei Pien

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