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林茂昌 - AI for All: Evolving from AI Supply Chain to Value Chain  - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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AI for All: Evolving from AI Supply Chain to Value Chain 

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at R1 - 1st Conference Room

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  • 林茂昌 Clement Lin
  • NEXCOM / CEO office, CEO
  • Born in 1955, Lin Mao-chang graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University and later earned a master's degree from the Institute of Management Science at National Chiao Tung University. He previously worked at Acer and Mitac Computers before founding Nexcom in 1992. He is currently the Chairman of Nexcom Group. Lin has been a long-time advocate for promoting open standards in Taiwan's smart manufacturing industry. As a pioneer in Taiwan’s early industrial computer industry, he has successfully led Nexcom’s transformation into an innovative entrepreneurial group, focusing on dual-axis digital transformation in AIoT and ESG net-zero transformation. In recognition of his achievements, Lin was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award by the Chinese Institute of Engineers USA in 2018, and in 2023, he received the Asia Pacific Outstanding Enterprise Award.

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