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陳敦和 - Taxonomy of LLM Development and Applications in Industries - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Taxonomy of LLM Development and Applications in Industries

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R1 - 1st Conference Room


We will share our view of recent LLM development from different aspects, like open-source vs. proprietary, use vs. training, application and product, and etc. We will also share several applications with scenario in industries based on our experience.

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  • 陳敦和 DH Chen
  • International Integrated System, Inc. / Product Consultant, SIBD
  • With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, I specialize in AI product consultancy at International Integrated System, Inc. (IISI). I previously served as the director of technology at Taiwan AI Academy (AIA), where I lead a team for lecture assistance and practice guiding. Prior to my experience at AIA, I worked at HTC and Compal Electronics for many years in various roles across R&D, project management, and product marketing.

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