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許凱程 - Agentic LLM and Smart Healthcare - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Agentic LLM and Smart Healthcare

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R2 - 2nd Conference Room


This presentation delves into the forefront of medical artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on the role of agentic Large Language Models (LLMs) in transforming healthcare. These advanced models exhibit agency by autonomously generating realistic and contextually appropriate medical data and interventions, marking a shift from theoretical exploration to tangible, real-world applications. This evolution emphasizes the need for a unified, interdisciplinary approach.

The session starts with an analysis of how agentic LLMs have been seamlessly integrated into existing healthcare frameworks, notably enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of disease prognosis and diagnosis. Specific case studies, such as the use of these models in diagnosing acute ischemic stroke, highlight how agentic LLMs are instrumental in critical health domains. Acute ischemic stroke, a leading cause of disability and mortality worldwide, requires rapid and accurate diagnosis to initiate timely intervention, which can significantly reduce long-term disabilities and improve outcomes. This illustrates the crucial role of agentic LLMs in improving diagnostic accuracy and refining medical decision-making processes.

The objective of this presentation is to provide a rigorous academic perspective on the potential and current applications of agentic LLMs in healthcare. It aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of their impact on the future trajectory and developmental prospects of medical AI.

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  • 許凱程 Edward Kai-Cheng Hu
  • Industrial Technology Research Institute / Chief Medical Officer, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories
  • 許凱程醫師為神經科主治醫師,專長為失智症、腦中風與睡眠障礙治療;台大醫學系畢業後,致力於醫學與工程的跨領域結合,在工程方面取得國立中正大學化學工程博士與電機工程碩士,並於 2018-2020 赴美國國家衛生研究院的神經與腦中風機構,訊息與生物資訊部門擔任研究員。專長為人工智慧、系統生物學、生醫訊號處理與生物資訊學。許醫師有豐富的醫療人工智慧實作經驗,能夠結合臨床知識與人工智慧技術,提升 AI 在臨床醫療之應用,2020-2023 擔任中國醫藥大學附設醫院人工智慧中心主任,領導該中心開發多項 AI 工具,於臨床上線使用,且取得 TFDA 智慧醫材認證,並已有多篇醫療人工智慧學術論文發表。2024 年,加入工業技術研究院,進一步從事健康醫療產業領域的 AI 研究,包括人工智慧在醫學影像、生物醫學信號、電子病歷和生物資訊學的應用。

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