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廖弘源 - The Taiwan CbI Program - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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The Taiwan CbI Program

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⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R0 - International Conference Hall


The Taiwan CbI Program

「The Taiwan CbI Program」was approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2023. The first phase, which spans five years starting from 2024, is a joint effort by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and multiple ministries, including the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Digital Affairs, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, and the National Development Council. By integrating AI and chips to drive innovation across all industries, fostering a domestic environment to attract global R&D talent, accelerating the integration of heterogeneous technologies and advanced technologies required for industrial innovation, and leveraging Taiwan's semiconductor industry strength to attract international startups and investment, this initiative aims to drive the development of related industries. In essence, the initiative seeks to combine Taiwan's semiconductor advantages, AI, and expertise from various industries to position Taiwan as a global hub for future industrial innovation.


「晶創臺灣方案」於 112 年 11 月經行政院核定,第 1 期自 113 年啟動,為期 5 年,本方案係由國科會偕同跨部會 (經濟部、教育部、數位部、衛福部、農業部、國發會) 共同推動。透過結合 AI 和晶片帶動全產業創新、強化國內培育環境吸納全球研發人才、加速產業創新所需異質整合及先進技術、利用台灣半導體產業實力吸引國際新創與投資四大布局,帶動相關產業發展。也就是要結合臺灣的半導體優勢、AI、以及各行各業的專業知識,讓臺灣成為未來全世界產業創新的重鎮。

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  • 廖弘源 Mark Liao
  • The Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica / Director and Distinguished Research Fellow

    • B.S. in National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan (1981).
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA (1985).
    • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA (1990).


    • Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1991-95)
    • Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1995-98)
    • Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1998-2012)
    • Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (2012-present)
    • Deputy Director, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1997-2000)
    • Acting Director, Institute of Applied Science and Technology preparation office, Academia Sinica (2001-04)
    • Director, Academia Sinica Computing Center (2006-08)
    • President, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society, Taiwan (2006-08)
    • Program Director, Computer Science Division 2, National Science Council, Taiwan (2008-11)
    • Director, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2018-present)
    • Multimedia Information Processing Chair Professor, National Chung-Hsing University (2009-12, 2022-25)
    • Adjunct Chair Professor, National Sun-Yat –San University (2012-14)
    • Adjunct Chair Professor, National Chiao-Tung University (2016-19)
    • Adjunct Chair Professor, Chung-Yuan Christian University (2010-present)
    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (2009-12)
    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2009-13)
    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (1998-2001)
    • Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys (2018-21)
    • Senior Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys (2021-present)


    • Multimedia Information Processing
    • Computer Vision
    • Artificial Intelligence


    • Young Investigators’ Award, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1998).
    • Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council (2003-06,2010-13,2013-16).
    • IEEE Fellow (from 2013).
    • TECO award, TECO Science Foundation (2016).
    • 64th Academic Award (Engineering Division), Ministry of Education (2020).
    • Distinguished Researcher Award, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan(2022)

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