⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R1 - 1st Conference Room
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As the Chief Scientist at KKCompany Technologies, Dr. Shuen-Huei "Drake" Guan leads initiatives to build and nurture strategic research partnerships across the industry and academia. With over a decade of experience in video streaming, recommender systems, and computer graphics, Dr. Guan has been instrumental in establishing the company's technological foundations. He continues to actively engage in the tech community through his involvement in PyCon Taiwan and Taiwan Multimedia Tech meetup.
作為科科科技(KKCompany Technologies)的首席科學家,官順暉博士致力於建立並維護公司與業界及學術界的研究合作關係。他擁有十多年影音串流、推薦系統及計算機圖學的學術與業界經驗,並在奠定公司的技術基礎方面發揮了重要作用。他還積極參與 PyCon Taiwan 及 Taiwan Multimedia Tech meetup 等技術社群的活動。
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