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張歐佑豪 - From Silicon Design to Software Stack: AMD AI Strategy - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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From Silicon Design to Software Stack: AMD AI Strategy

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⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R2 - 2nd Conference Room


AMD not only has the broadest AI product portfolio but also leads in silicon design and packaging technologies. AMD pioneers chiplet modular design and 3.5D packaging in AI Accelerator. Together with Open and Proven software/hardware stack, AMD aims to advance the AI development with the ecosystem through deep collaboration.

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  • 張歐佑豪 Simon Changou
  • Taiwan Commercial, AMD / Sr. Solutions Architect
  • 目前任職於 AMD 資深技術顧問,主要負責 AMD 資料中心 EPYC 處理器以及資料中心 Instinct 加速器在台灣市場的技術支援及推廣。加入 AMD 之前先後在儲存設備,伺服器應用和 OCP 開放式機架等不同領域擔任過技術支援,售前規劃及產品規劃等職務,累積了多年系統整合相關經驗並熟悉儲存,虛擬化,超融合和雲端等應用。

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