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Topic Speakers - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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  • 覺文郁
    ``🌟 覺文郁``覺文郁````終身特聘教授````國立臺灣大學機械工程學系``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at R0
  • AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全


    律師,專注於創新科技、開放資料、開放政府等數位治理議題及相關法律規範。2012 年以來持續參與 g0v 公民科技社群,從中習得「揪團打怪」技能:多方協作推動社會創新。

    2017 年協助設立台灣人工智慧學校基金會,2021 年起擔任秘書長,推動課程轉型及開源 AI 平台「風火輪計畫」。

    2020-2022 年擔任立法院開放國會委員會民間委員,推動完成台灣立法院首份「開放國會行動方案」。近來與台灣公民社群夥伴協作推動「數位公民素養」行動計畫作為台灣新世代社會基礎建設。

    ``🌟 侯宜秀``侯宜秀````秘書長``AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全``財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 11:15-12:00 at R0
  • AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全

    ``🌟 吳誠文``吳誠文````主任委員``AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全``國家科學及技術委員會``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 11:15-12:00 at R0
  • Intelligent Leap: The T...


    Richie Tsai is the provost of Taiwan AI Academy and takes overall responsibility for the academy's AI talent traini 資深協理 ng, strategy on developing consulting services, startup coaching, technology promotion, community management, industry-university bridging, and career development. Prior to joining Taiwan AI Academy, Richie was Senior Director at SAP Greater China, ever worked for Oracle and Teradata where he helped leading enterprises to navigate their digital transformation. He graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University in 1996 and received his MBA degree from San Diego State Univeristy in 2003. He is pursuitng PhD degree in National Tsing Huwa University.

    學歷:清華大學跨院國際博士班 - 智慧製造與數位決策

    現職:台灣人工智慧學校 校務長 / 國科會 TAIWAN AICoE 策略委員會委員 / 台灣氣候聯盟 - 綠色與數位科技委員會召集人

    專長:AI, Big Data, 數位轉型, SaaS

    經歷:20 多年經驗在資訊工程、產品管理、營運、市場 行銷、生態系統培育

    • SAP 德商思愛普 大中華區資深副總經理
    • Oracle 美商甲骨文 應用軟體部副總經理
    • Teradata 美商天睿資訊系統 資深協理
    ``🌟 蔡明順``蔡明順````校務長``Intelligent Leap: The Transformative Journey of Taiwan AI Academy``台灣人工智慧學校``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 11:40-12:00 at R0
  • 許懷中
    ``🌟 許懷中``許懷中````副教授````逢甲大學資訊工程學系``⏱️ :-: at
  • Close Talk


    Benjamin Kuo is currently the Vice President for Industry-Academia Collaboration and has over 25 years of industry experience and consulting expertise. He focuses on building an AI-centric innovation ecosystem that connects and synergizes industry, venture capital, academia, and research institute. He aims to advance Taiwan’s AI excellence and accelerate the development and strength of Taiwan’s industries with AI.

    Benjamin was a Senior Director at KPMG Taiwan, and leading the smart manufacturing team, serving many medium and large customers, and long-term involvement in the three major markets of industrial industry, family business management, and start-up & innovation services.

    Benjamin is also a Ph.D candidate in the Interdisciplinary International Doctoral Program at National Tsing Hua University. He already holds dual master’s degrees in materials science and technology innovation management.

    郭秉宸現為台灣人工智慧學校產學長,並且為清華大學跨域國際博士學程博士候選人,擁有材料科學與科技管理雙碩士,25 年以上的產業經驗與管顧專長。 聚焦於建構以 AI 為中心的產學研創生態系,鏈結能量並且促動產生綜效,推進台灣 AI 的卓越進展,讓台灣的產業因為有 AI 而加速發展並且強大。

    曾任:KPMG 臺灣所顧問部 企業績效與創新科技協理,長期投入在工業產業、家族事業經營、新創與創新服務三大市場。 工研院企劃與研發處專案副組長,擔任院長室高級幕僚 新創企業經營企劃經理

    專長:產業 AI 化策略與行動方案擬定、智慧製造、項目組合管理 (Portfolio management)、產品開發管理 (Product development management)、企業營運管理 (Business operation)、企業對企業行銷與商機開發 (B2B marketing & BD)、建立企業生態系與策略聯盟 (Ecosystem & Strategic alliance)、新事業發展、經營管理策略制定、智慧製造策略架構、數位決策分析與管理、企業營運模式校準、企業二代傳承接班。

    ``🌟 郭秉宸``郭秉宸````產學長``Close Talk``台灣人工智慧學校``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 16:20-16:30 at R0
  • 侯宜秀
    律師,專注於創新科技、開放資料、開放政府等數位治理議題及相關法律規範。2012 年以來持續參與 g0v 公民科技社群,從中習得「揪團打怪」技能:多方協作推動社會創新。 2017 年協助設立台灣人工智慧學校基金會,2021 年起擔任秘書長,推動課程轉型及開源 AI 平台「風火輪計畫」。 2020-2022 年擔任立法院開放國會委員會民間委員,推動完成台灣立法院首份「開放國會行動方案」。近來與台灣公民社群夥伴協作推動「數位公民素養」行動計畫作為台灣新世代社會基礎建設。``🌟 侯宜秀``侯宜秀````秘書長````財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 09:30-11:15 at R0
  • The Evolution of Cybers...

    Allen Own

    Allen Own is the CEO of DEVCORE and the chairman of the Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HITCON). Allen is experienced in hacker technique research and cybersecurity consulting, helping governments and enterprises eliminate defense blind spots and bridge the information asymmetry gap with attackers.

    He has previously served as a lecturer and consultant in academic and government organizations, and is passionate about community building and sharing knowledge to cultivate more cybersecurity talents. His expertise includes Red Teaming, penetration testing, enterprise cybersecurity risk assessments, and security training.

    戴夫寇爾 DEVCORE 執行長、台灣駭客協會 HIT 理事長。具備多年駭客技術研究及資安輔導經驗,協助政府及企業化解防禦盲點,消除與攻擊方的資訊不對稱。曾任學術及政府單位專任講師及顧問,並熱衷於社群經營及分享,培育更多資安人才。專長於紅隊演練 (Red Team)、滲透測試、企業資安風險評估、專業教育訓練。

    ``🌟 翁浩正``Allen Own````CEO``The Evolution of Cybersecurity Attacks in the GenAI Era``DEVCORE``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at R3
  • The Secrets of AI: Unve...


    Birdman is the founder of CyCraft. He is also a consultant for the Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HIT). As a cybersecurity technology research expert with more than 15 years of experience, Birdman's main research areas include the development of autonomous analysis systems, hacker activity analysis, malware analysis, and machine learning algorithms. He has presented his expert research in cybersecurity technology many times at internationally renowned conferences, famous for giving lively and entertaining lectures. Birdman co-founded Xecure Lab with Benson Wu in 2011, which was acquired by the NASDAQ-listed Israeli cybersecurity company Verint in 2014. Birdman's latest venture, CyCraft, focuses on integrating artificial intelligence and cybersecurity technology.

    奧義智慧科技創辦人,畢業於國立中央大學與大同大學資訊工程研究所,同時也是社團法人台灣駭客協會顧問。超過 15 年的資安技術研究專家,以開發自動化分析系統、駭客活動分析、惡意程式分析、機器學習演算法為主要研究範疇,多次在國際知名研討會發表專業的資安技術研究,如 Black Hat、DEFCON、SyScan、HITCON、FIRST、AVTokyo、HTICA、OWASP Asia 與 iThome CYBERSEC 等,擅長透過詼諧生動的演講傳授資安知識。而身為臺灣資安界著名的連續創業者,曾於 2011 年與吳明蔚 (Benson Wu) 共同創立臺灣第一家專門研發 APT 防禦產品的新創公司艾斯酷博 (Xecure Lab),並於 2014 年受到美國 NASDAQ 上市的以色列資安公司威瑞特 (Verint) 肯定與併購。目前創辦的奧義智慧科技,則專注在人工智慧與資安科技領域的結合上。

    ``🌟 邱銘彰``Birdman````CTO and Co-founder``The Secrets of AI: Unveiling the Keys to Success in AI Projects``CyCraft``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R3
  • The Taiwan government's...

    Bowen Chiu

    Taiwan government AI designer

    以體驗設計、以人為中心的:政府 AI 設計師

    ``🌟 邱泊寰``Bowen Chiu````Designer``The Taiwan government's challenges and unexpected word-of-mouth success in introducing AI``CAMEO``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at R2
  • The Journey of Digital ...

    Chao-Yung Hsu
    China Steel Corporation
    Dr. Chao-Yung Hsu received his Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2012, focusing on computer vision, information security, and artificial intelligence. From 2012 to 2014, he served as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, where he specialized in AI research. Since 2014, Dr. Hsu has been with China Steel Corporation, leveraging computer vision and AI technologies to optimize steel manufacturing processes and implement automation. His work includes successfully completing over ten projects, such as the development of unmanned crane systems. Since 2023, he has been contributing to China Steel's digital transformation efforts, focusing on integrating innovative technologies to enhance operational efficiency and improve workflows.``🌟 許朝詠``Chao-Yung Hsu````Intelligent Solution Technology Section, Scientist``The Journey of Digital Transformation in the Steel Industry Driven by AI Technology``China Steel Corporation``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R0
  • High-Performance Comput...

    Chau-Lyan Chang
    National Center for High-performance Computing


    • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, 1988, The Pennsylvania State University
    • M.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1982, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
    • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1980, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


    • Director General, National Center for High Performance Computing (2022-present)
    • Senior Research Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center (1999-2022)
    • Principal Software Developer, Planned Research Corporation, McLean, VA (1998-1999)
    • Senior Research Scientist, High Technology Corporation, residence at NASA Langley Research Center (1988-1998)


    • Technical Lead, “Development of the CESE Numerical Framework for High-Fidelity Unstructured Mesh Turbulent Flow Simulations with High Performance Computing,” 2010-present – lead a cross-NASA center (Glenn and Langley) team for developmental work.
    • Technical Lead, “NASA Transition Prediction Code LASTRAC Development and Release,” 2001- present – focus on applying machine learning (AI) algorithms for numerical computations and laminar-turbulent transition prediction in the past few years.
    • Technical Lead, “Counterflowing Jet and Its Application in Supersonic Slender Configurations,” 2012-2017 – co-lead a cross-center (Marshall and Langley) team for experimental/numerical investigation of this innovative concept.
    • Technical Lead, “Research and Development of Hypersonic Chemically Reacting Flow Transition Prediction Tools,” 2017-present – lead a team for code development and flow physics exploration
    ``🌟 張朝亮``Chau-Lyan Chang````Director General``High-Performance Computing Infrastructures and Technologies for Wide Adoption of AI in Taiwan``National Center for High-performance Computing``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at R0
  • Artificial Intelligent...

    Che-Wei Chou
    Feng Chia University
    Dr. Che-Wei Chou is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management at Feng Chia University. He received a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, in 2016. He also received a B.S. degree and M.S. in physics from Industrial Engineering Management from Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, in 2001 and 2003, respectively. He served as the CEO of Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (AIMS) Research Center, MOST, Taiwan. He is dedicated to coordinating research teams and executing research projects to build on Taiwan's strength in manufacturing to update and transform industries, bridge partnerships between academia and industry for innovation and entrepreneurship, export AI solutions for intelligent manufacturing, and elevate Taiwan's global visibility and influence in AI.``🌟 周哲維``Che-Wei Chou````Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Assistant Professor`` Artificial Intelligent in Manufacturing for CNC machine ``Feng Chia University``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at R1
  • Secure AI Inference Tec...

    Chen-Mou Cheng
    Chang Gung University
    Chen-Mou Cheng received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 1996 and 1998, respectively, as well as his PhD in computer science from Harvard University in 2007. He is currently a Professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Chang Gung University. Between 2022 and 2024, he was the Chief Cryptographer at BTQ Technologies, Inc., a publicly-listed Canadian startup focusing on building post-quantum cryptographic technologies and solutions for blockchain applications. Between 2007 and 2022, he taught cryptography at National Taiwan University, Osaka University, and Kanazawa University.``🌟 鄭振牟``Chen-Mou Cheng````Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence``Secure AI Inference Techniques: A Tutorial``Chang Gung University``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 09:30-11:15 at R0
  • LLMs in Cybersecurity P...

    Cheng-Lin Yang
    Dr. Cheng-Lin Yang is currently a Data Science Director at CyCraft Technology, where he is responsible for organizing and leading the data science team. His research focuses on constructing efficient and effective machine learning workflows and utilizing machine learning techniques to automate detection and response at each phase of the cyberattack kill chain. He has been a speaker at various prestigious conferences such as Black Hat USA, Troopers, FIRST CTI, SINCON, CYBERSEC, SECCON, PyCon Taiwan, and AWS Summit Taiwan.``🌟 楊政霖``Cheng-Lin Yang````Director of Data Science``LLMs in Cybersecurity Products: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly``CyCraft``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R1
  • AI-Driven Manufacturing...

    Chi-An Kao
    先知科技股份有限公司/ Foresight Technology Company, Ltd

    Dr. Chi-An Kao is the President of Foresight Technology, with over 30 years of cross-disciplinary experience in equipment and process engineering, information technology, and artificial intelligence. He specializes in the development and application of AI, smart manufacturing, and digital transformation solutions. Dr. Kao previously worked at TSMC, where he was responsible for new fab construction and capacity expansion, successfully driving process innovation and production automation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering, a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, a Master’s degree in Management Science, and a Ph.D. in Manufacturing Information and Systems. Dr. Kao’s expertise in AI includes machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis, along with advanced skills in agile project management. His research and practical achievements have been widely adopted by major corporations, enhancing manufacturing efficiency and achieving zero-defect production.

    高季安博士現任先知科技總經理,擁有超過 30 年的設備與製程工程、資訊技術、與人工智慧跨領域經驗,專注於人工智慧、智慧製造與數位轉型解決方案的開發與應用。他曾任職於台積電,負責新廠建設與產能擴展,並成功推動製程技術革新與生產自動化。高博士擁有材料工程學士、工業工程碩士、管理科學碩士及製造資訊與系統博士學位。他在人工智慧領域的專業包括機器學習、深度學習與數據分析,並具備敏捷專案管理專長。高博士的研究與實踐成果已廣泛應用於多家大型企業,提升了製造效率與產品品質至零缺陷製造的境界。

    ``🌟 高季安``Chi-An Kao````總經理室/總經理; General Manager's Office/ President``AI-Driven Manufacturing Innovation: Enhancing Quality Control with Visual AI Platforms and Generative Image Technology ``先知科技股份有限公司/ Foresight Technology Company, Ltd``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R3
  • 資料與隱私的平衡

    Chia-Mu Yu
    National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
    Chia-Mu Yu (Senior Member, IEEE) received his Ph.D. degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He is currently an Associate Professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, where he holds the title of Hwa Tse Roger Liang Junior Chair Professor. His research interests encompass AI safety, data privacy, and network security. Dr. Yu has been honored with several awards, including the Young Scholar Fellowship, the K. T. Li Young Researcher Award, the Observational Research Scholarship from the Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, and the Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators. He has served as a Guest Editor for ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, and Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Additionally, Dr. Yu has been a TPC Member for conferences such as ACM CCS, USENIX Security, ACM AsiaCCS, IEEE SaTML, IEEE/IFIP DSN, and IEEE CLOUD. He is also an active editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. He also served as a Technical Consultant for National Institute of Cyber Security in the field of AI Safety. ``🌟 游家牧``Chia-Mu Yu````Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering``資料與隱私的平衡``National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R4
  • 「用Kuwa打造自己的AI智囊團」工作坊

    Chun-Hsin Wu
    National University of Kaohsiung
    Dr. Chun-Hsin Wu is an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Information Engineering at National University of Kaohsiung. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 1992 and 1999, respectively. He co-found two Internet companies in the 1990s. His research interests include Internet resource discovery, mobile networks, distributed systems, and ICT systems applications.``🌟 吳俊興``Chun-Hsin Wu````Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering``「用Kuwa打造自己的AI智囊團」工作坊``National University of Kaohsiung``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R4
  • 社科資料運用

    Chung-pei Pien
    National Chengchi University
    Chung-pei Pien is an Assistant Professor at the International College of Innovation, National Chengchi University. His research primarily revolves around environmental sociology, political sociology, computational social science, and organizational theories.``🌟 卞中佩``Chung-pei Pien````Assistant Professor at the International College of Innovation``社科資料運用``National Chengchi University``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R4
  • Open platform for enter...

    Chungyeh Wang
    An platform software architect at Intel Corporation, responsible for customer and ecosystem development of Intel Edge AI platforms, as well as a technical spokesperson. Has served as an instructor for deep learning courses in Taiwan’s Artificial Intelligence School Manager Program, Technical Leadership Program, Edge AI Program, and at universities, with extensive industry experience. 美商英特爾公司平台研發協理,負責 Intel Edge AI 平台的客戶以及生態系統開發以及技術發言人。擔任過台灣人工智慧學校經理人班,技術領袖班與 Edge AI 專班以及大專院校的深度學習課程業師,具有豐富的產業經驗。 ``🌟 王宗業``Chungyeh Wang````Network and Edge Group, Platform Software Architect``Open platform for enterprise ready AI``Intel``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30 at R2
  • AI for All: Evolving fr...

    Clement Lin
    Born in 1955, Lin Mao-chang graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University and later earned a master's degree from the Institute of Management Science at National Chiao Tung University. He previously worked at Acer and Mitac Computers before founding Nexcom in 1992. He is currently the Chairman of Nexcom Group. Lin has been a long-time advocate for promoting open standards in Taiwan's smart manufacturing industry. As a pioneer in Taiwan’s early industrial computer industry, he has successfully led Nexcom’s transformation into an innovative entrepreneurial group, focusing on dual-axis digital transformation in AIoT and ESG net-zero transformation. In recognition of his achievements, Lin was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award by the Chinese Institute of Engineers USA in 2018, and in 2023, he received the Asia Pacific Outstanding Enterprise Award.``🌟 林茂昌``Clement Lin````CEO office, CEO``AI for All: Evolving from AI Supply Chain to Value Chain ``NEXCOM``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at R1
  • David Hsu
    ``🌟 徐達勇``David Hsu````FAE Director````Arm``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at R2
  • Taxonomy of LLM Develop...

    DH Chen
    International Integrated System, Inc.
    With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, I specialize in AI product consultancy at International Integrated System, Inc. (IISI). I previously served as the director of technology at Taiwan AI Academy (AIA), where I lead a team for lecture assistance and practice guiding. Prior to my experience at AIA, I worked at HTC and Compal Electronics for many years in various roles across R&D, project management, and product marketing. ``🌟 陳敦和``DH Chen````Product Consultant, SIBD``Taxonomy of LLM Development and Applications in Industries``International Integrated System, Inc.``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R1
  • Agentic LLM and Smart H...

    Edward Kai-Cheng Hu
    Industrial Technology Research Institute
    許凱程醫師為神經科主治醫師,專長為失智症、腦中風與睡眠障礙治療;台大醫學系畢業後,致力於醫學與工程的跨領域結合,在工程方面取得國立中正大學化學工程博士與電機工程碩士,並於 2018-2020 赴美國國家衛生研究院的神經與腦中風機構,訊息與生物資訊部門擔任研究員。專長為人工智慧、系統生物學、生醫訊號處理與生物資訊學。許醫師有豐富的醫療人工智慧實作經驗,能夠結合臨床知識與人工智慧技術,提升 AI 在臨床醫療之應用,2020-2023 擔任中國醫藥大學附設醫院人工智慧中心主任,領導該中心開發多項 AI 工具,於臨床上線使用,且取得 TFDA 智慧醫材認證,並已有多篇醫療人工智慧學術論文發表。2024 年,加入工業技術研究院,進一步從事健康醫療產業領域的 AI 研究,包括人工智慧在醫學影像、生物醫學信號、電子病歷和生物資訊學的應用。``🌟 許凱程``Edward Kai-Cheng Hu````Chief Medical Officer, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories``Agentic LLM and Smart Healthcare``Industrial Technology Research Institute``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R2
  • Retail AI: from recomme...

    Happy Lee
    CPO of 91APP, Entrepreneur``🌟 李昆謀``Happy Lee````CPO``Retail AI: from recommendation to agent``91APP``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R1
  • AI ERA of Computing-Emp...

    Harry Kao
    MSI 微星科技

    Harry Kao is a senior executive at Micro-Star International (MSI), serving as the AVP of the Platform Software Solution Div. He plays a significant role in the development of AI PCs and has made the idea of pre-installing proprietary language models on MSI AI PCs a reality, which is unique in the industry.

    Under Harry Kao's leadership, MSI is fully committed to addressing the rise of AI technology and is dedicated to integrating these technologies into its products to enhance user experience and product performance. He pointed out that AI will become a turning point in the personal computer industry and anticipates a significant increase in market demand for AI PCs in the future.

    高士方是微星科技(MSI)的一位高階管理人員,擔任平台軟體研發處協理。他在 AI PC 的開發上扮演著重要角色,並讓微星 AI PC 預載自家開發的語言模型的想法得以實現,這在業界中是獨一無二的。

    在高士方的領導下,微星科技正全力以赴應對 AI 技術的崛起,並致力於將這些技術整合到其產品中,以提升用戶體驗和產品性能。他指出,AI 將成為個人電腦產業的一個轉捩點,並預計未來 AI PC 的市場需求將顯著增加。

    ``🌟 高士方``Harry Kao````Platform Software Solution Div. Senior AVP``AI ERA of Computing-Empowering the future with AI``MSI 微星科技 ``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R1
  • The Development of Mult...

    Hen-Hsen Huang
    Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
    Dr. Huang''s research focuses on the investigation of computational approaches for modeling the interplay between figurative language processing and human knowledge representation, leading the pioneering work in Chinese discourse analysis. His works have been published in SCI/SSCI journals and top-tier conferences in the venues of artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and information retrieval. Prior to joining the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Dr. Huang was an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the National Chengchi University. His award and honors include the Honorable Mention of Doctoral Dissertation Award of ACLCLP in 2014 and the Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award of ACLCLP in 2008. He served as the registration chair of TAAI 2017, the publication chair of ROCLING 2020, and as PC members of representative conferences in computational linguistics including ACL, COLING, EMNLP, and NAACL. He was one of organizers of FinNum Task at NTCIR-2014 and FinNLP Workshop at IJCAI 2019.``🌟 黃瀚萱``Hen-Hsen Huang````Associate Research Fellow``The Development of Multimodal TAIDE Models ``Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at R3
  • Advancing Medical Innov...

    Hsiang-Wei Hu
    Industrial Technology Research Institute
    • 10 years of AI research and commercialization experience, specializing in time series forecasting, multimodal language models, 2D/3D image generation and segmentation, and knowledge graphs.
    • Vice Chair and Supervisor of the Continuing Education and Exchange Committee, Taiwan AI Academy.
    • Mentor at NCKU Phoenix Startup Platform.
    • Lecturer on Generative AI at ITRI College of Industry.
    • Recipient of the AI Award for Best Speaker from the Taiwan AI Academy.
    • Co-founder of the International Institute for Innovative Biomedical Technology.
    • Lecturer at New York University, Taipei Medical University, and Mackay Medical College.

    胡翔崴博士為 H.I.T. for Asia、翔安生醫共同創辦人及成大鳳凰新創導師,致力於 AI 技術研究 10 年,曾擔任多間新創技術顧問,擁有多項發明專利、發表超過 20 篇國際研討會與期刊論文。 現任職於工研院資通所,專注生成式 AI 技術研發,文字、語音、3D 影像、及化合物生成等多模態大型語言模型開發,主要應用於醫療及金融領域,目前已有十多項產品專案與多家機構合作,研發成果協助工研院資通所智慧運算組榮獲台灣人工智慧協會 2024 AI Award Best Solutions 特優賞,個人演講能力獲得 Best Speaker 優秀賞。 胡翔崴博士以 AI 技術落地應用共創產業價值為願景,所領導的 HIT 社群以共學模式每年培育 100 位生成式 AI 人才為目標,期許能為台灣各領域提升國際競爭力。

    ``🌟 胡翔崴``Hsiang-Wei Hu````Information and Communications Research Laboratories(ICL), Computational Intelligent Technology Division, Engineer ``Advancing Medical Innovation with Multimodal Edge Computing Technologies``Industrial Technology Research Institute``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R3
  • Craft your Growth Strat...

    Ian Wu
    • Founder and CEO of Accucrazy|The Pocket Company|CRZY.IO
    • Former Product Manager in ASUS and HTC
    • Former VP of Global business development at Meitu
    • Former Cheetah Mobile head of strategic partnerships
    • ShihChien University “Web3 Technologies in Fashion” with Elle Lecturer
    • ShihHsin University Advertising and Public Relations Department ”AI in Marketing industry” Lecturer
    • National Chengchi University “Digital Advertising” Lecturer
    • Mobile Advertising Lecturer at CMU NASA
    ``🌟 吳威翰``Ian Wu````Founder and CEO``Craft your Growth Strategy with a Fully Fine-tuned AI Brain``Accucrazy``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R3
  • Intelligent System Desi...

    Jason Huang
    Cadence Design Systems
    1. Cadence Application Engineering Director for Digital Implementation & Signoff Group to support Taiwan customer success in technology and tool application.
    2. More than 20+ years working experiences in IC Design field with major focus on STA/RC Extraction/IR closure and signoff till 3nm process node.
    3. In recent years, he supports customer in successfully applying the latest intelligence AI technology for rapid IR design closure to achieve optimized performance in IC design.
    ``🌟 黃彥翔``Jason Huang````Cadence Application Engineering Director for Digital Implementation & Signoff Group ``Intelligent System Design for Optimized IC Design``Cadence Design Systems``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at R3
  • Jason Yeh

    Jason Yeh is the head of AIDE (AI & Data Engineering) at MediaTek. AIDE's mission is to empower BU/FU to adopt AI to boost productivity.

    He has 27 years of experience in semiconductor IT, big data and AI. Prior to joining MediaTek, he worked for TSMC. He received his MBA degree in Management Information System from National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

    葉家順是聯發科技人工智慧暨數據工程主管,負責協助各單位導入 AI 以提升生產力。

    他在半導體產業的 IT、大數據、人工智慧等領域有 27 年的工作經驗。在加入聯發科技之前,他在台積電工作。他畢業於台灣政治大學資訊管理研究所碩士。

    ``🌟 葉家順``Jason Yeh````AI & Data Engineering Div/The Head of AIDE ````MediaTek``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at R0
  • How can AI help nurses?

    Jessy Kang
    Smart Ageing Tech (Jubo)

    Dr. Jessy Kang is the founder and CEO of Jubo, a leading SaaS provider for nursing information systems. With a Ph.D. in Robotics and AI from Stanford University, Dr. Kang has over fifteen years of experience in applying AI to healthcare. His innovations are used in over 1,200 long-term care facilities across Taiwan, Canada, and the U.S.

    Before Jubo, Dr. Kang was a professor at the University of Alberta and National Taiwan University, where he contributed significantly to AI and robotics. He holds 23 patents and is dedicated to integrating AI to enhance nursing and patient care.

    ``🌟 康仕仲``Jessy Kang````CEO``How can AI help nurses?``Smart Ageing Tech (Jubo)``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R2
  • Decarbonizing Energy-in...

    Johnson Hsieh
    Chimes AI
    Johnson Hsieh, Ph.D. is a leading advocate for the democratization of data science and artificial intelligence in Taiwan. With a Ph.D. in Statistics from National Tsing Hua University, he has collaborated with prominent institutions such as Taiwan AI Academy to train thousands of AI talents. As the founder of Chimes AI, Johnson is pioneering accessible AI solutions for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), focusing on energy efficiency, environmental safety, and circular economy applications. His contributions have earned recognition from The Silicon Review as the top company to watch in 2022, and his work is preserved in the Arctic Code Vault alongside notable global software like Linux and Bitcoin.``🌟 謝宗震``Johnson Hsieh````CEO``Decarbonizing Energy-intensive Industry: How AI Solutions Accelerate ESG Goals``Chimes AI``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at R3
  • Water-Cooling-free. Ho...

    Kevin Hsu
    Inventec AI center

    Graduated from the Institute of Electrical Engineering of National Chiao Tung University. His research topic is the neural network application of Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) in robot arm control. He is currently the head of the AI ​​NPU IP design team of Inventec AI Research Center. His main expertise is in digital signal processing IP, image processing IP, neural network processor IP, etc., and he has in-depth research on ultra-low energy consumption design of large language models (LLM).

    畢業於國立交通大學電機工程研究所,研究題目為人類小腦模型類神經網路 (CMAC) 於機器手臂控制的應用。 現為英業達 AI 研究中心 AI NPU IP 晶片設計團隊負責人,主要專長在數位信號處理 IP、影像處理 IP、類神經網路處理器 IP 等方面,並對大型語言模型(LLM) 超低能耗設計有深入研究。

    ``🌟 徐國翰``Kevin Hsu````Senior Director``Water-Cooling-free. How to fulfill ultra low energy consumption NPU IP for ptivate Large Language Model(LLM) ``Inventec AI center``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R2
  • From Digital Transforma...

    Lai-Shiun, Lai
    Taichung Veterans General Hospital(TCVGH)

    Lai-Shiun Lai is currently the Director of the Computer and Communications Center at Taichung Veterans General Hospital in Taichung (TCVGH), Taiwan.

    With nearly 30 years of experience in hospital information system management, he has dedicated his career to enhancing healthcare technology and optimizing information systems for better patient care.

    He has served as an advisor to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Research Institutes, the Hospital Association of Taiwan, and the Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics and providing expert guidance on various initiatives to improve the nation's healthcare infrastructure.

    In 2021, he was honored with two prestigious awards: the Outstanding I.T. Elite Award, a national accolade in Taiwan, and the Award of Model Civil Servants from the Veteran Affairs Committee."

    ``🌟 賴來勳``Lai-Shiun, Lai````Director of Department of Computer and Communications Center``From Digital Transformation to Smart Hospital``Taichung Veterans General Hospital(TCVGH)``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R2
  • The Application of the ...

    Founder of MYAI168.COM. Associate professor. Expert of AI robot technologies. Specialized in large language model, image analysis, big data analysis, the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, along with hardware and software system integration.``🌟 李明達``LI, MING-TA````Founder``The Application of the Latest AI Algorithms in Temple Field. ``MYAI168.COM``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R3
  • The Taiwan CbI Program

    Mark Liao
    The Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica


    • B.S. in National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan (1981).
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA (1985).
    • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA (1990).


    • Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1991-95)
    • Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1995-98)
    • Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1998-2012)
    • Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (2012-present)
    • Deputy Director, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (1997-2000)
    • Acting Director, Institute of Applied Science and Technology preparation office, Academia Sinica (2001-04)
    • Director, Academia Sinica Computing Center (2006-08)
    • President, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society, Taiwan (2006-08)
    • Program Director, Computer Science Division 2, National Science Council, Taiwan (2008-11)
    • Director, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2018-present)
    • Multimedia Information Processing Chair Professor, National Chung-Hsing University (2009-12, 2022-25)
    • Adjunct Chair Professor, National Sun-Yat –San University (2012-14)
    • Adjunct Chair Professor, National Chiao-Tung University (2016-19)
    • Adjunct Chair Professor, Chung-Yuan Christian University (2010-present)
    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (2009-12)
    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2009-13)
    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (1998-2001)
    • Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys (2018-21)
    • Senior Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys (2021-present)


    • Multimedia Information Processing
    • Computer Vision
    • Artificial Intelligence


    • Young Investigators’ Award, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1998).
    • Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council (2003-06,2010-13,2013-16).
    • IEEE Fellow (from 2013).
    • TECO award, TECO Science Foundation (2016).
    • 64th Academic Award (Engineering Division), Ministry of Education (2020).
    • Distinguished Researcher Award, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan(2022)
    ``🌟 廖弘源``Mark Liao````Director and Distinguished Research Fellow``The Taiwan CbI Program``The Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R0
  • How non-engineers can u...

    Muyueh Lee
    Generative AI Conference

    Mu-Yueh Lee / Generative AI Community Curator

    Mu-Yueh Lee focuses on promoting "coding with AI" (blog.gaiconf.com), dedicated to helping non-engineers use ChatGPT to write automation scripts, allowing office workers to complete tasks more efficiently.

    As the curator of the Generative AI community, Mu-Yueh organizes the annual Generative AI Conference (gaiconf.com) and monthly meetups.

    In addition, Mu-Yueh is the founder of Mu-Yueh Co., Ltd. (muyueh.com), a company specializing in customized information systems and AI integration services. Clients include Chunghwa Telecom, FarEasTone Telecom, E.SUN Bank, and the World Health Organization.

    Mu-Yueh graduated from National Taiwan University with a degree in Business Administration and is skilled in data analysis and data visualization.

    ``🌟 李慕約``Muyueh Lee````策展人``How non-engineers can use AI to write code and leave work five minutes earlier``Generative AI Conference``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R3
  • 「用AI寫程式! 工作流程自動化!」工作坊

    Muyueh Lee
    Generative AI Conference

    Mu-Yueh Lee / Generative AI Community Curator

    Mu-Yueh Lee focuses on promoting "coding with AI" (blog.gaiconf.com), dedicated to helping non-engineers use ChatGPT to write automation scripts, allowing office workers to complete tasks more efficiently.

    As the curator of the Generative AI community, Mu-Yueh organizes the annual Generative AI Conference (gaiconf.com) and monthly meetups.

    In addition, Mu-Yueh is the founder of Mu-Yueh Co., Ltd. (muyueh.com), a company specializing in customized information systems and AI integration services. Clients include Chunghwa Telecom, FarEasTone Telecom, E.SUN Bank, and the World Health Organization.

    Mu-Yueh graduated from National Taiwan University with a degree in Business Administration and is skilled in data analysis and data visualization.

    ``🌟 李慕約``Muyueh Lee````策展人``「用AI寫程式! 工作流程自動化!」工作坊``Generative AI Conference``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R4
  • AI-Driven Future: FET's...

    Peter Hu
    Far EasTone Telecommunication Co., Ltd.
    ``🌟 胡德民``Peter Hu````Information & Digital Transformation Technology/ CIO & Executive Vice President``AI-Driven Future: FET's Digital Transformation Journey``Far EasTone Telecommunication Co., Ltd.``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at R1
  • Task Design, Dataset Cr...

    Richard Tzong-Han Tsai
    Academia Sinica

    Dr. Richard Tzong-Han Tsai is an expert in model training for the TAIDE project under Taiwan's National Science and Technology Council. He currently serves as the President of the Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities and the Vice President of the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is also a Research Fellow at Academia Sinica’s Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at National Central University, and an adjunct professor at National Taiwan University’s Graduate Institute of Linguistics. His areas of expertise include natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and digital humanities, with a track record of publishing several papers annually at top-tier international conferences, including ACL, EMNLP, and COLING.

    Dr. Tsai holds a Bachelor's to Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from National Taiwan University. He was awarded the Google Research Award in 2023 and 2024 and has led his teams to victory in the BioCreative competition organized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2021, as well as the BioASQ international biomedical question-answering competition from 2020 to 2023, hosted by multiple global research institutions. Additionally, he has been honored with the Outstanding Research Award at National Central University in 2020, 2021, and 2023.

    Beyond his academic contributions, Dr. Tsai is the author of popular science books on AI for young students, including "AI Lessons for Middle Schoolers" and "AI Lessons for Elementary Students," both of which have become bestsellers and received multiple educational awards and recommendations, including the 12th Wu Ta-You Science Popularization Award for Youth Science Education, the Taipei Public Library's Monthly Book Selection, and the 2023 Hong Kong Education City's Teacher Recommendation Award. Due to his contributions to the development of generative AI (Gen AI) in Taiwan, Dr. Tsai was selected by CommonWealth Magazine as one of the AI 20 in 2024.

    蔡宗翰教授是台灣國家科學技術委員會 TAIDE 專案的模型訓練組專家,現任台灣數位人文學會理事長與台灣人工智慧學會副理事長。蔡教授同時擔任中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心研究員、中央大學資訊工程系教授,以及台灣大學語言學研究所合聘教授。他的專長包括自然語言處理、人工智慧與數位人文,在這些領域中每年都有多篇頂尖國際會議論文發表,包括 ACL、EMNLP 和 COLING。

    蔡教授擁有台灣大學資訊工程學士至博士學位,並於 2023 年及 2024 年連續獲得 Google Research Award。他帶領的團隊曾在 2021 年獲得由美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)主辦的 BioCreative 競賽冠軍,並於 2020 至 2023 年間連續獲得由多國科研機構主辦的 BioASQ 國際生醫問答系統競賽冠軍。此外,他在 2020、2021 及 2023 年榮獲中央大學研究傑出獎。

    除了學術研究外,蔡教授還是多本科普書籍的作者,包括「寫給中學生看的 AI 課」及「寫給小學生看的 AI 課」,這些書籍不僅在博客來暢銷,還榮獲第十二屆吳大猷科學普及著作獎青少年科普特別推薦獎、臺北市立圖書館「每月一書」、2023 年香港教育城中學教師推薦好讀獎等多項教育獎項及推薦。由於蔡教授對台灣生成式人工智慧(Gen AI)發展的貢獻,他被天下雜誌選為 2024 年的 AI 20 之一。

    ``🌟 蔡宗翰``Richard Tzong-Han Tsai````Research Fellow``Task Design, Dataset Creation, and Evaluation: Keys to LLM Deployment and Taiwan's AI Foundry``Academia Sinica``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R0
  • Unleashing AI Empowerme...

    Rick Wen
    Rick Wen has been actively involved in digital strategy planning for government, financial, high-tech, and manufacturing industries, and contributed to smart city consulting and risk management projects. Rick also serves as the leader of Digital Transformation Services (DX), Energy, Resources & Industrials (ER&I), and Telecom, Media & Entertainment (TME) at Deloitte Taiwan.``🌟 溫紹群``Rick Wen````Technology & Transformation``Unleashing AI Empowerment: a Game-Changing Ecosystem of Shared Innovation``Deloitte``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at R1
  • From no-code, low-code ...

    Robe Yang
    Quanta Computer Inc.

    Dr. Robe Yang is Senior Director at Quanta Computer Inc, he joined Quanta in 2011 and was promoted to Senior Director in 2024. Since joining the company, he has held various roles including leading the development of hospital project collaborations for healthcare solutions and working as a senior engineer on the digital asset management system for a Japanese publishing company. Currently, Dr. Yang serves as the QOCA air product R&D director at Quanta, overseeing the development of cutting-edge AI solutions for smart medicine and industries.

    Dr. Yang holds a Ph.D. from the Department of Information Management at National Taiwan University. He served as an information engineer, systems network leader, and deputy director in National Taiwan University Hospital's information department. In this role, Dr. Yang was responsible for overseeing the hospital information system transformation project, which included the software system architecture and hardware solutions for migrating the information system from an IBM mainframe to an open systems architecture. This initiative allowed for a significant reduction in maintenance costs and improved operational efficiency. With an extensive background in healthcare information systems, containerized architecture, and cloud computing architecture, Dr. Yang’s research interests now focus on developing and implementing machine learning and deep learning DevOps solutions for smart medicine and various industries.

    ``🌟 楊子翔``Robe Yang````BU12. Senior Director.``From no-code, low-code to full-code AI model DevOps: QOCA aim, an AI Medical Platform``Quanta Computer Inc.``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at R2
  • AI, the Age of It: A Gr...

    Rock TSAI
    Taiwan Mobile

    Dr. Rock Tsai, holding a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Central South University, China, currently serves as Chief Information Officer at Taiwan Mobile and Chairman of the Information Management Association (IMA). He started programming in elementary school and took on freelance projects in junior high. In the 1990s, as a freshman at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University’s Department of Computer Science, he developed a game called “Face to Face,” which took Asia by storm, selling close to 100,000 copies.

    Dr. Tsai has previously served as Senior VP at HSBC Bank (China), Group Chief Information Officer at Sinyi Realty, and Head of Technology at DBS Bank (Taiwan). He received the awards of “Most Valuable CIO in China” in 2011, “Distinguished CIO in China” in 2012, “Outstanding CIO in Taiwan” in 2017, and IMA’s “Outstanding Information Director” in 2022.

    He joined Taiwan Mobile in February 2022, taking on the significant responsibility of managing the group’s IT transformation.

    ``🌟 蔡祈岩``Rock TSAI````Chief Information Officer``AI, the Age of It: A Great Opportunity for Taiwanese Businesses``Taiwan Mobile``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at R2
  • AI and Security Governa...

    Shi-Cho Cha
    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

    Dr. Shi-Cho Cha received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in information management from National Taiwan University, in 1996 and 2003, respectively. He is currently a professor and department chair with the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), where he has been a faculty member since 2006. He is also the director of the information security center, NTUST (TWISC@NTUST). He is a certified PMP, CISSP, CSSLP, CCFP, CISA, and CISM. Between 2003 and 2006, he was employed at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Taiwan, assisting numerous prominent firms and government bodies in developing their information security management systems. After joining the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, he helped several critical governmental systems to evaluate and enhance their security. He also carried out numerous National Science Council and industry-academia collaboration projects.

    His research currently focuses on the security and privacy of blockchain applications, security and privacy in IoT and IIoT, risk management in information security, zero trust architecture, and the mechanisms of authentication and access control.

    ``🌟 查士朝``Shi-Cho Cha````Department of Information Management, Chairman and Professor``AI and Security Governance``National Taiwan University of Science and Technology``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at R3
  • Generative AI applicati...

    Shih-Chen Huang
    Intelligent Banking Division E.SUN BANK

    Dr. Shih-Chen Huang is currently the Director of Data Science at E.SUN Bank’s Intelligent Banking Division. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from New York University and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University. Dr. Huang has previously worked at AT&T Bell Labs in the United States and served as an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration at National Central University.

    With extensive experience in information architecture and data governance, Dr. Huang has played a key role as the lead architect in E.SUN Bank’s core banking transformation and credit card system transformation projects. He successfully transitioned the mainframe systems to a cloud-native microservices-based distributed systems

    黃仕鎮博士現任玉山銀行智能金融處資料科學總監,擁有紐約大學電腦科學博士學位及台灣大學資訊工程學士學位。他曾在美國 AT& T 貝爾實驗室任職,並在中央大學企管系擔任兼任助理教授。黃博士在資訊架構與資料治理領域擁有豐富的經驗,並在玉山銀行的轉核計畫及信用卡轉核計畫中擔任主要架構師角色,成功將大型主機系統轉換為雲原生微服務架構的新一代分散式系統。

    ``🌟 黃仕鎮``Shih-Chen Huang````Executive Vice President``Generative AI applications in E.SUN Bank``Intelligent Banking Division E.SUN BANK``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30 at R1
  • Orchestrating the Futur...

    Shuen-Huei Guan
    KKCompany Technologies

    As the Chief Scientist at KKCompany Technologies, Dr. Shuen-Huei "Drake" Guan leads initiatives to build and nurture strategic research partnerships across the industry and academia. With over a decade of experience in video streaming, recommender systems, and computer graphics, Dr. Guan has been instrumental in establishing the company's technological foundations. He continues to actively engage in the tech community through his involvement in PyCon Taiwan and Taiwan Multimedia Tech meetup.

    作為科科科技(KKCompany Technologies)的首席科學家,官順暉博士致力於建立並維護公司與業界及學術界的研究合作關係。他擁有十多年影音串流、推薦系統及計算機圖學的學術與業界經驗,並在奠定公司的技術基礎方面發揮了重要作用。他還積極參與 PyCon Taiwan 及 Taiwan Multimedia Tech meetup 等技術社群的活動。

    ``🌟 官順暉``Shuen-Huei Guan````Chief Scientist, Chief Scientist Office``Orchestrating the Future: AI Innovations in Music Streaming ``KKCompany Technologies``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R1
  • From Silicon Design to ...

    Simon Changou
    Taiwan Commercial, AMD
    目前任職於 AMD 資深技術顧問,主要負責 AMD 資料中心 EPYC 處理器以及資料中心 Instinct 加速器在台灣市場的技術支援及推廣。加入 AMD 之前先後在儲存設備,伺服器應用和 OCP 開放式機架等不同領域擔任過技術支援,售前規劃及產品規劃等職務,累積了多年系統整合相關經驗並熟悉儲存,虛擬化,超融合和雲端等應用。``🌟 張歐佑豪``Simon Changou````Sr. Solutions Architect``From Silicon Design to Software Stack: AMD AI Strategy``Taiwan Commercial, AMD``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00 at R2
  • Sensing the Future and ...

    Simon Lu
    Harbor Technology Solutions Co., Ltd.

    Current Positions

    • CEO of Haobo Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Director of the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Association / Chairman of Taipei Social Committee
    • Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Alumni Association of Chinese Culture University

    Working Experience

    • Director of System Design, Nortek (U.S.)
    • Director of System Design, Crown Computer Systems
    • Director of Server System Design, Flextronics
    • Manager of System R&D, Quanta Computer Cloud Computing Business Group


    • EiMBA, National Taiwan University
    • Department of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Culture University
    • Taiwan AI Academy, 4th Manager Class


    • 皓博科技股份有限公司 執行長
    • 台灣人工智慧協會理事 / 台北分會會長
    • 文化大學校友總會理事
    • 文化大學電機系系友會會長


    • 美商 Nortek 系統設計總監
    • 冠信電腦系統設計總監
    • Flextronics 伺服器系統設計總監
    • 廣達電腦雲端運算事業群 / 系統研發部經理


    • 台灣大學 EiMBA
    • 中國文化大學電機系
    • 台灣人工智慧學校 第四屆經理人班
    ``🌟 呂宏益``Simon Lu````CEO``Sensing the Future and Industrial AI Applications``Harbor Technology Solutions Co., Ltd.``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at R3
  • Intelligent Computing X...

    ST Liew
    Qualcomm Technologies

    ST Liew is a Vice President of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and the President of Qualcomm Taiwan and South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand. ST was born in Malaysia and was educated in Malaysia, Singapore and the UK. His permanent home is Singapore.

    In this role, ST is responsible for leading all business and operational functions for Qualcomm in the region. Prior to this role, ST served as the Vice President and President of Qualcomm Taiwan.

    ST has more than 30 years of experience leading businesses and R&D in the telecommunication industry. Most recently ST was the President of Acer’s new Business Group SPBG that focused on R&D and Sales of non PC lines of product for the global market while living in Switzerland and later in Taiwan.

    Before joining Acer, ST was in Motorola for over 18 years leading Regional R&D Teams and later in Product planning, business Teams across the world in products ranging from Mobile radios, Pagers, Data terminals to Cellular phones. ST has lived in China, Korea, USA and India during his tenure.

    Liew received his MBA from the National University of Singapore, and holds a BSc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Leeds, UK.

    ``🌟 劉思泰``ST Liew````Vice President of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and the President of Qualcomm Taiwan and South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand``Intelligent Computing X Edge Al in Driving Innovation in the Al Era``Qualcomm Technologies``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30 at R0
  • Enterprise AI Applicati...

    Stan Lin
    Galaxy Software Services Corp.

    Mr. Lin currently works for the Galaxy Software Services Corp., served as CTO. Before that, he worked at the International Integrated Systems, Inc. (IISI), served as deputy general manager and the Institute for Information Industry (III), mainly responsible for technology development and management, business development and departmental management.

    Mr. Lin has over 30 years of information technology development, information systems development and project management experiences, has led a number of information technology and management information systems research and development projects.

    Lin's areas of expertise include artificial intelligence and knowledge base technology, scheduling systems technology, data mining and text mining, enterprise application software planning, strategic information systems planning, software development and architecture design, software engineering project management, RFID technology, cloud computing, mobile computing, remember one hundred million body computing and business intelligence.

    ``🌟 林縣城``Stan Lin````Innovation Research Center, CTO``Enterprise AI Application Practices - Expect the Unexpected!``Galaxy Software Services Corp.``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at R1
  • 資通訊業AI 2.0之布局與實踐

    Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories

    Dr. Ching-Hung Wang is currently the Vice President of Telecommunication Laboratories (TL) and is responsible for supervising the ongoing research and development of telecom network infrastructure.

    Since joining Chunghwa Telecom in 1990, Dr. Wang has served in various R&D and project management positions, including the Director of Enterprise Solutions Lab as well as the Director of the Advanced Technology Lab in TL before he joined the Data Communication Branch, where he served as a managing Director overseeing enterprise solutions in Smart City, Smart Home, and IoT-related services. He was awarded the Top 10 Outstanding Employee in 2005.

    Dr. Wang has been among the opinion leaders in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Taiwan, and serves as the board of directors of KingwayTek (Digital Map and Telematics Provider in Taiwan) and the board of directors of TIAA (Taiwan Intelligent Aerotropolis Association).

    Dr. Wang received an M.S. degree in 1988 from National Chiao Tung University and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in 2000. His professional fields include expert systems, intelligent transportation systems, and machine learning.

    ``🌟 王景弘``WANG CHING-HUNG````Vice President``資通訊業AI 2.0之布局與實踐``Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at R0
  • Breaking Barriers in Ge...

    Wei Lin

    Dr. Wei Lin serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Phison Electronics, where he oversees technological and product planning, AI technology development, and the development of algorithms related to NAND Flash Memory physics. Dr. Lin has invented over 200 NAND Flash-related patents and has authored numerous scholarly articles in the field. The integrated circuits produced using his patented inventions have exceeded three billion units worldwide.

    Dr. Lin earned his Ph.D. from the National Chiao Tung University in Electronics. Previously, he held positions as the CTO and Vice President of CoreStorage, a subsidiary of Phison. He is currently an adjunct assistant professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, where he collaborates on industry-academic partnerships to advance storage technology.

    ``🌟 林緯``Wei Lin````CTO``Breaking Barriers in Generative AI Deployment: Phison aiDAPTIV``Phison``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at R2
  • Sharing the Experience ...

    Wen-hsi Chang
    Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance
    (中文) 財政部財政資訊中心主任張文熙博士,長期積極研究人工智慧、導入稅務機器人流程自動化、稅務資訊系統優化和規劃次世代稅務行政資訊系統。張主任創設結人工智慧機器新創實驗室,全力投入 AI 應用研究擴大服務量能,結合學習和大數據等技術進行工作流程分析,建立納稅人異常行為偵測模型。張主任具備資訊系統博士,並同時擁有工業工程學和資訊管理碩士學位。其專長和研究興趣以機器學習應用、數據分析、大型資訊系統規劃等。 (英文)Dr. Wen-Hsi Chang is the Director-General, Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance, Taiwan and has been actively involved in artificial intelligence and robotic process automation on taxation process, tax information system optimization and planning a next-generation tax administration information system. Dr. Chang launched an innovation laboratory that integrates machine learning and big data analytics into existing workflows such as detection models on identifying taxpayers’ abnormal behavior. He received his Ph.D. degree in management science on information system management. He also obtained a MS degree in industrial engineering and a MBA degree in information management. His professional expertise and research interests include machine learning application, data analysis, and large-scale information systems planning. ``🌟 張文熙``Wen-hsi Chang````Director-general``Sharing the Experience of Business Transformation Using Artificial Intelligence in the Ministry of Finance. ``Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R0
  • Eval-Driven-Development

    Wen-Tien Chang (ihower)
    AIHAO Information Technology Co.
    A full-stack developer and generative AI software engineer. I began working in web app development in 2002 and started my own business, AIHAO Information Technology Co. in 2018.``🌟 張文鈿``Wen-Tien Chang (ihower)````Founder``Eval-Driven-Development``AIHAO Information Technology Co.``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R3
  • AI is revolutionizing k...

    Willie Yang
    eLAND Information Corporation

    Dr. Willie Yang is the founder of eLAND (意藍), the #1 public listed AI+Data company in Taiwan (TPEX:6925). eLAND is a leading SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) company specializing in the research and development of cutting-edge software technologies, including search engines, natural language processing, and AI applications for enterprises. eLAND's flagship product OpView, the largest social listening platform in Taiwan, scans tens of billions words every day, With its advanced AI technologies and infrastructure, OpView offers comprehensive functions to monitor and analyze online conversations, helping companies understand public opinions and market trends.

    Dr. Willie Yang's research focuses on information retrieval, natural language processing, and social media analytics. He devoted himself to the development of large-scale full-text search engine and has been providing leading technology solutions for enterprise since 2000. He holds more than 20 patents for natural language processing and web mining in Greater China.

    Dr. Willie Yang also serves as Assistant Professor in National Taiwan University, and the member of National Standards Technical Committee on Information and Communication in Taiwan

    楊立偉博士為現任台灣大學資訊管理學系及工商管理學系兼任助理教授、資訊及通信國家標準技術委員、意藍資訊公司總經理。任教於台灣大學超過 18 年,為台大教學傑出教師,曾榮獲國家雲端創新獎、數位時代「創業之星」首獎、100MVP 最有價值經理人,以及數位時代雜誌選為代表台灣軟體的封面人物之一。研究專長領域為資料庫管理、搜尋引擎、機器學習及語意分析、大數據及商業分析、資訊管理及數位行銷等,擁有近 30 項數據及語意分析專利。楊立偉博士所創辦之意藍資訊 (eLAND) 為首家掛牌的 AI 智能數據公司(股票代號 6925),提供搜尋引擎、輿情分析、電商分析、企業知識管理等雲端軟體服務及 AI 數據應用,主要客戶包括高科技、金融、零售等產業之龍頭企業,擁有極高之市場覆蓋率。

    ``🌟 楊立偉``Willie Yang````President``AI is revolutionizing knowledge management! See the change now and what's next.``eLAND Information Corporation``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at R0
  • Multimodal RAG Framewor...

    Wu, Cheng-Ho
    CH is the VP of Technology at cacaFly Cloud Intelligence Center. He has previously developed apps that have garnered millions of downloads and reached top ranks on Google and Apple charts, as well as managing high-traffic network services with billions of data flow. He is also a speaker at TEDx and AWS SUMMIT, as well as a speaker at the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Conference and an adjunct lecturer at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. ``🌟 吳振和``Wu, Cheng-Ho````Cloud AI+ Center, VP``Multimodal RAG Framework ``cacaFly``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R3
  • Breeze 2.0: An Open-sou...

    YC Chen
    MediaTek Research
    YC is currently a Senior Technology Manager at MediaTek Research and also the blogger of YC Note. He has over 7 years of experience in machine learning research and 4 years of experience leading research teams, specializing in language, vision, and speech AI. Recently, the team he leads has open-sourced Traditional Chinese LLMs, including Breeze-7B and BreeXe-8x7B.``🌟 陳宜昌``YC Chen````Senior Technology Manager``Breeze 2.0: An Open-source Traditional Chinese LLM with API-using Capabilities and Other Development-oriented Features``MediaTek Research``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30 at R3
  • Insecure llama🦙: When L...

    CHT Security

    Focusing primarily on researching network security-related technologies. I frequently participate in various events as a speaker and also organize activities.

    Outside of work, I dedicate my time to different research projects and actively discover security vulnerabilities across various platforms.

    ``🌟 沈宜婷``YI TING SHEN````SOC/Security Engineer``Insecure llama🦙: When LLM becomes a weapon for hackers ``CHT Security``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at R3
  • Multimodal AI Empowerin...

    Yu-Hong Lin
    AI System Plan Department

    Experience: Possessing extensive software development experience in automation equipment, I excel at integrating AI technology with existing software systems to provide robust solutions for clients. My primary focus is on the panel and semiconductor industries, where I specialize in delivering intelligent visual recognition systems.Awards: I have achieved outstanding results in multiple AI competitions, demonstrating exceptional technical skills and teamwork. Notable accomplishments include winning the 3rd place in the Ministry of Economic Affairs IDEAS SHOW Product Image AI Recognition Competition and the AI in Taiwan Hackathon Smart Retail Potential Award.

    經歷: 具備自動化設備豐富的軟體開發經驗,擅長將 AI 技術整合既有軟體系統,為客戶提供健全的解決方案,目前主要應用產業為面板廠與半導體廠,以提供智能視覺辨識系統為主要服務內容。

    獲獎: 多次在 AI 競賽中獲得優異成績,展現出色的技術能力與團隊合作精神。代表作品包括經濟部 IDEAS SHOW 商品影像 AI 辨識競賽第三名、AI in Taiwan 黑客松競賽智慧零售潛力獎等。

    ``🌟 林育弘``Yu-Hong Lin````Director``Multimodal AI Empowering Smart Manufacturing Upgradation``AI System Plan Department``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R3
  • AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全

    Yuh-Jye Lee
    Academia Sinica
    Prof. Yuh-Jye Lee is a computer scientist who holds a PhD in Computer Sciences from UW-Madison (2001). He has held positions at esteemed universities, including National Chun Cheng University, Taiwan Tech, and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Prof. Lee also had the opportunity to serve the government from November 2020 to January 2023 as the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Science and Technology Council. This office is responsible for Taiwan's science and technology policies, budget allocation, and the review of national-level science and technology projects. He serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Taiwan Information Security Center at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica in the period of Aug. 2023 to Feb. 2024 and Sept. 2018 to Feb. 2021. He is a research fellow at CITI since Aug. 2023. Prof. Lee's research primarily focuses on AI, data science, machine learning, federated learning, and information security. In essence, his research is centered on AI in security and security in AI. He is also in charge of the TAIDE project, which stands for Trustworthy AI Dialogue Engine. ``🌟 李育杰``Yuh-Jye Lee````CITI, Research Fellow ``AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全``Academia Sinica ``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 11:15-12:00 at R0
  • Sovereign AI

    Yuh-Jye Lee
    Academia Sinica

    Prof. Yuh-Jye Lee is a computer scientist who holds a PhD in Computer Sciences from UW-Madison (2001). He has held positions at esteemed universities, including National Chun Cheng University, Taiwan Tech, and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.

    Prof. Lee also had the opportunity to serve the government from November 2020 to January 2023 as the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Science and Technology Council. This office is responsible for Taiwan's science and technology policies, budget allocation, and the review of national-level science and technology projects. He serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Taiwan Information Security Center at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica in the period of Aug. 2023 to Feb. 2024 and Sept. 2018 to Feb. 2021. He is a research fellow at CITI since Aug. 2023.

    Prof. Lee's research primarily focuses on AI, data science, machine learning, federated learning, and information security. In essence, his research is centered on AI in security and security in AI. He is also in charge of the TAIDE project, which stands for Trustworthy AI Dialogue Engine.

    ``🌟 李育杰``Yuh-Jye Lee````CITI, Research Fellow ``Sovereign AI``Academia Sinica ``⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 09:30-11:15 at R0
  • From Prediction to Simu...

    Yung-Hui Li
    Hon Hai Research Institute
    Dr. Yung-Hui Li is the founding director of AI Research Center of Hon Hai Research Institute, which is the core R&D center for the most critical technology of Foxconn's 3+3 transformation strategy. He received his B.S. degree from National Taiwan University in 1995, the M.S. degree from University of Pennsylvania in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree from school of computer science of Carnegie Mellon University in 2010. Before joining Foxconn, he served as a tenured professor in National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. He has been served as industry chair, publicity chair or technical program committee member in various international conference. His research team has achieved outstanding results in the field of autonomous driving, consistently ranking at the top in global autonomous driving challenges. Their accomplishments include winning the Argoverse 1 & 2 Motion Forecasting Competition (CVPR 2023, 2024), winning the Waymo Sim Agents Challenge (CVPR 2024), and securing second place in the Waymo Motion Prediction Challenge (CVPR 2024). He also has won several gold or silver medals at Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, Pittsburgh International Invention show (INPEX) and Silicon Valley International Invention Festival (SVIIF). His current research interests include Generative AI, Large Language Model, Multimodal Foundation Model and its Application in Computer Vision, Autonomous Driving, Smart Manufacturing and Biometrics. He has published over 100 papers in the fields of AI, deep learning, and machine learning, including top conferences such as CVPR, EMNLP, and AAAI, as well as top-ranking journals such as IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, and ACM Computing Surveys.``🌟 栗永徽``Yung-Hui Li````Senior Director in AI Research Center``From Prediction to Simulation: Unveiling HHRI's Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs in Autonomous Driving Technology ``Hon Hai Research Institute``⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at R0