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童子賢 - AI-Driven Revolution: Opportunities for Taiwan's Industries - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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KEYNOTE AI-Driven Revolution: Opportunities for Taiwan's Industries

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/27 (Fri.) 10:00-10:50 at R0 - International Conference Hall

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  • 童子賢 T.H. Tung
  • Pegatron Corporation / Chairman
  • Mr. T.H. Tung is the founder and chairman of Pegatron Group, and he is also the honorary president of TCA. As one of the co-founders of ASUSTeK Computer, he led a team to develop a laptop computer brand which later earned highest market share in Taiwan and made its name to the top 10 laptop brands in the world. In 2008 Pegatron split from ASUSTeK, Mr. T.H. Tung joined Pegatron as chairman and group CEO. Pegatron Corporation employs strong design capability and abundant experiences to develop diverse DMS services. With the upmost usage of its net asset of NT$221.6 billion and the outstanding performance of 160,000 Pegatron employees worldwide, the consolidated revenue of Pegatron reached NT$1,257 billion in 2023.

    童子賢先生是和碩集團創辦人與董事長,也是台北市電腦公會榮譽理事長。和碩集團從事代工、設計、製造與服務等多元化業務,同時將觸角擴及金屬機殼、隱形眼鏡等不同領域。童子賢先生自台北科技大學畢業後即進入宏碁電腦工作,於 1989 年與謝偉琦、廖敏雄、及徐世昌四人共同創立華碩電腦,在華碩時期他帶領團隊發展筆記型電腦品牌,其後華碩筆電不但榮登台灣市佔率第一名,更成為全球前十大筆記型電腦品牌。於 2007 年,華碩與和碩宣布分家,童子賢先生進入和碩擔任董事長暨策略長,和碩聯合科技以強大的設計實力與經驗,在電子代工產業獨樹一格,運用所擁有的 2,216 億台幣淨資產,讓全球所有據點共約 16 萬名的員工,持續在這個世界級舞台發光發熱,2023 年的合併營收達新台幣 1 兆 2,568 億元。

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