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張文熙 - Sharing the Experience of Business Transformation Using Artificial Intelligence in the Ministry of Finance. - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Sharing the Experience of Business Transformation Using Artificial Intelligence in the Ministry of Finance.

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R0 - International Conference Hall

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  • 張文熙 Wen-hsi Chang
  • Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance / Director-general
  • (中文) 財政部財政資訊中心主任張文熙博士,長期積極研究人工智慧、導入稅務機器人流程自動化、稅務資訊系統優化和規劃次世代稅務行政資訊系統。張主任創設結人工智慧機器新創實驗室,全力投入 AI 應用研究擴大服務量能,結合學習和大數據等技術進行工作流程分析,建立納稅人異常行為偵測模型。張主任具備資訊系統博士,並同時擁有工業工程學和資訊管理碩士學位。其專長和研究興趣以機器學習應用、數據分析、大型資訊系統規劃等。 (英文)Dr. Wen-Hsi Chang is the Director-General, Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance, Taiwan and has been actively involved in artificial intelligence and robotic process automation on taxation process, tax information system optimization and planning a next-generation tax administration information system. Dr. Chang launched an innovation laboratory that integrates machine learning and big data analytics into existing workflows such as detection models on identifying taxpayers’ abnormal behavior. He received his Ph.D. degree in management science on information system management. He also obtained a MS degree in industrial engineering and a MBA degree in information management. His professional expertise and research interests include machine learning application, data analysis, and large-scale information systems planning.

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