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張文鈿 - Eval-Driven-Development - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Flash Talk Eval-Driven-Development

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R3 - 1st Conference Room


Eval-Driven-Development (EDD) is a method for developing LLM-based apps guided by task-specific evaluations, including dataset synthesis, evaluation metric design, and automatic prompt optimization. In this short talk, I will quickly demonstrate this process.

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  • 張文鈿 Wen-Tien Chang (ihower)
    Website: https://ihower.tw
  • AIHAO Information Technology Co. / Founder
  • A full-stack developer and generative AI software engineer. I began working in web app development in 2002 and started my own business, AIHAO Information Technology Co. in 2018.

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