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楊立偉 - AI is revolutionizing knowledge management! See the change now and what's next. - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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AI is revolutionizing knowledge management! See the change now and what's next.

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at R0 - International Conference Hall

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  • 楊立偉 Willie Yang
    Website: https://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~wyang/
  • eLAND Information Corporation / President
  • Dr. Willie Yang is the founder of eLAND (意藍), the #1 public listed AI+Data company in Taiwan (TPEX:6925). eLAND is a leading SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) company specializing in the research and development of cutting-edge software technologies, including search engines, natural language processing, and AI applications for enterprises. eLAND's flagship product OpView, the largest social listening platform in Taiwan, scans tens of billions words every day, With its advanced AI technologies and infrastructure, OpView offers comprehensive functions to monitor and analyze online conversations, helping companies understand public opinions and market trends.

    Dr. Willie Yang's research focuses on information retrieval, natural language processing, and social media analytics. He devoted himself to the development of large-scale full-text search engine and has been providing leading technology solutions for enterprise since 2000. He holds more than 20 patents for natural language processing and web mining in Greater China.

    Dr. Willie Yang also serves as Assistant Professor in National Taiwan University, and the member of National Standards Technical Committee on Information and Communication in Taiwan

    楊立偉博士為現任台灣大學資訊管理學系及工商管理學系兼任助理教授、資訊及通信國家標準技術委員、意藍資訊公司總經理。任教於台灣大學超過 18 年,為台大教學傑出教師,曾榮獲國家雲端創新獎、數位時代「創業之星」首獎、100MVP 最有價值經理人,以及數位時代雜誌選為代表台灣軟體的封面人物之一。研究專長領域為資料庫管理、搜尋引擎、機器學習及語意分析、大數據及商業分析、資訊管理及數位行銷等,擁有近 30 項數據及語意分析專利。楊立偉博士所創辦之意藍資訊 (eLAND) 為首家掛牌的 AI 智能數據公司(股票代號 6925),提供搜尋引擎、輿情分析、電商分析、企業知識管理等雲端軟體服務及 AI 數據應用,主要客戶包括高科技、金融、零售等產業之龍頭企業,擁有極高之市場覆蓋率。

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