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林育弘 - Multimodal AI Empowering Smart Manufacturing Upgradation - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Flash Talk Multimodal AI Empowering Smart Manufacturing Upgradation

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at R3 - 1st Conference Room


Multimodal AI is revolutionizing traditional manufacturing by equipping manufacturing equipment with stronger perception and decision-making abilities. This enables automation and intelligence in production processes, allowing enterprises to create more resilient and efficient smart factories.

隨著多模態 AI 技術的成熟,傳統製造業正在經歷一場深刻的轉型。多模態 AI 能夠賦予製造設備更強的感知能力和決策能力,實現生產過程的自動化和智能化。透過多模態 AI,企業能夠打造更具彈性、更具效率的智慧工廠,從而提升市場競爭力。

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  • 林育弘 Yu-Hong Lin
  • AI System Plan Department / Director
  • Experience: Possessing extensive software development experience in automation equipment, I excel at integrating AI technology with existing software systems to provide robust solutions for clients. My primary focus is on the panel and semiconductor industries, where I specialize in delivering intelligent visual recognition systems.Awards: I have achieved outstanding results in multiple AI competitions, demonstrating exceptional technical skills and teamwork. Notable accomplishments include winning the 3rd place in the Ministry of Economic Affairs IDEAS SHOW Product Image AI Recognition Competition and the AI in Taiwan Hackathon Smart Retail Potential Award.

    經歷: 具備自動化設備豐富的軟體開發經驗,擅長將 AI 技術整合既有軟體系統,為客戶提供健全的解決方案,目前主要應用產業為面板廠與半導體廠,以提供智能視覺辨識系統為主要服務內容。

    獲獎: 多次在 AI 競賽中獲得優異成績,展現出色的技術能力與團隊合作精神。代表作品包括經濟部 IDEAS SHOW 商品影像 AI 辨識競賽第三名、AI in Taiwan 黑客松競賽智慧零售潛力獎等。

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