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高季安 - AI-Driven Manufacturing Innovation: Enhancing Quality Control with Visual AI Platforms and Generative Image Technology - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf

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Flash Talk AI-Driven Manufacturing Innovation: Enhancing Quality Control with Visual AI Platforms and Generative Image Technology

Time / Place:

⏱️ 09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at R3 - 1st Conference Room


Exploring how AI-driven visual inspection platforms and generative image technology enable fast and high-precision defect detection, while boosting production efficiency. This session will focus on the role of these cutting-edge technologies in accelerating digital transformation within the manufacturing industry.

探討如何透過 AI 視覺檢測平台與生成圖像實現快速與高精度瑕疵檢測和生產效率提升,助力製造業數位轉型

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  • 高季安 Chi-An Kao
  • 先知科技股份有限公司/ Foresight Technology Company, Ltd / 總經理室/總經理; General Manager's Office/ President
  • Dr. Chi-An Kao is the President of Foresight Technology, with over 30 years of cross-disciplinary experience in equipment and process engineering, information technology, and artificial intelligence. He specializes in the development and application of AI, smart manufacturing, and digital transformation solutions. Dr. Kao previously worked at TSMC, where he was responsible for new fab construction and capacity expansion, successfully driving process innovation and production automation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering, a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, a Master’s degree in Management Science, and a Ph.D. in Manufacturing Information and Systems. Dr. Kao’s expertise in AI includes machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis, along with advanced skills in agile project management. His research and practical achievements have been widely adopted by major corporations, enhancing manufacturing efficiency and achieving zero-defect production.

    高季安博士現任先知科技總經理,擁有超過 30 年的設備與製程工程、資訊技術、與人工智慧跨領域經驗,專注於人工智慧、智慧製造與數位轉型解決方案的開發與應用。他曾任職於台積電,負責新廠建設與產能擴展,並成功推動製程技術革新與生產自動化。高博士擁有材料工程學士、工業工程碩士、管理科學碩士及製造資訊與系統博士學位。他在人工智慧領域的專業包括機器學習、深度學習與數據分析,並具備敏捷專案管理專長。高博士的研究與實踐成果已廣泛應用於多家大型企業,提升了製造效率與產品品質至零缺陷製造的境界。

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