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Agenda - 2024 Taiwan AI Academy Conf
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09/27 (Fri.) Day 1

09/27 (Fri.) 08:30-09:30

R0 - International Conference Hall


09/27 (Fri.) 09:30-09:50

R0 - International Conference Hall

【 🎊 Welcome & Opening Remarks 】

09/27 (Fri.) 09:50-10:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

Group Photo

09/27 (Fri.) 10:00-10:50

R0 - International Conference Hall

童子賢 ▌AI-Driven Revolution: Opportunities for Taiwan's Industries
童子賢 董事長 (和碩聯合科技)

09/27 (Fri.) 10:50-11:40

R0 - International Conference Hall

黃志芳 黃志芳 董事長 (外貿協會)

09/27 (Fri.) 11:40-12:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

蔡明順 ▌Intelligent Leap: The Transformative Journey of Taiwan AI Academy
蔡明順 校務長 (台灣人工智慧學校)

09/27 (Fri.) 12:00-13:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

🍱 Lunch

09/27 (Fri.) Topic

R0 - International Conference Hall


09/27 (Fri.) Topic

R1 - 1st Conference Room


09/27 (Fri.) Topic

R2 - 2nd Conference Room


09/27 (Fri.) Topic

R3 - 1st Conference Room


09/27 (Fri.) Topic

R4 - Flat Presentation Room


09/27 (Fri.) Moderator

R0 - International Conference Hall

張嘉惠 張嘉惠 教授 (中央大學)

09/27 (Fri.) Moderator

R1 - 1st Conference Room

周哲維 周哲維 助理教授 (逢甲大學)

09/27 (Fri.) Moderator

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

高宏宇 高宏宇 資訊學院教授 (清華大學)

09/27 (Fri.) Moderator

R3 - 1st Conference Room

莊坤達 莊坤達 副教授 (成功大學)

09/27 (Fri.) Moderator

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

侯宜秀 侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

劉思泰 ▌Intelligent Computing X Edge Al in Driving Innovation in the Al Era
劉思泰 副總裁台灣、東南亞與紐澳區總裁 (Qualcomm)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30

R1 - 1st Conference Room

黃仕鎮 ▌Generative AI applications in E.SUN Bank
黃仕鎮 資料科學總監 (玉山銀行)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

王宗業 ▌Open platform for enterprise ready AI
王宗業 Network and Edge Group, Platform Software Architect (Intel)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30

R3 - 1st Conference Room

陳宜昌 ▌Breeze 2.0: An Open-source Traditional Chinese LLM with API-using Capabilities and Other Development-oriented Features
陳宜昌 Senior Technology Manager (聯發創新基地)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:00-13:30

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

栗永徽 ▌From Prediction to Simulation: Unveiling HHRI's Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs in Autonomous Driving Technology
栗永徽 所長 (鴻海研究院AI研究所)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00

R1 - 1st Conference Room

楊政霖 ▌LLMs in Cybersecurity Products: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
楊政霖 Director of Data Science (CyCraft)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

徐國翰 ▌Water-Cooling-free. How to fulfill ultra low energy consumption NPU IP for ptivate Large Language Model(LLM)
徐國翰 AI 晶片設計處資深處長 (英業達)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00

R3 - 1st Conference Room

吳振和 ▌Multimodal RAG Framework
吳振和 Cloud AI+ Center, VP (cacaFly)

09/27 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

吳俊興 ▌「用Kuwa打造自己的AI智囊團」工作坊
吳俊興 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (National University of Kaohsiung)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

王景弘 ▌資通訊業AI 2.0之布局與實踐
王景弘 副院長 (中華電信研究院)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30

R1 - 1st Conference Room

溫紹群 ▌Unleashing AI Empowerment: a Game-Changing Ecosystem of Shared Innovation
溫紹群 Technology & Transformation (Deloitte)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

蔡祈岩 ▌AI, the Age of It: A Great Opportunity for Taiwanese Businesses
蔡祈岩 資訊長 (台灣大哥大)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30

R3 - 1st Conference Room

黃彥翔 ▌Intelligent System Design for Optimized IC Design
黃彥翔 應用工程總監 (Cadence)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

張朝亮 ▌High-Performance Computing Infrastructures and Technologies for Wide Adoption of AI in Taiwan
張朝亮 主任 (國網中心)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00

R1 - 1st Conference Room

胡德民 ▌AI-Driven Future: FET's Digital Transformation Journey
胡德民 資訊暨數位轉型科技群執行副總 (遠傳電信)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

徐達勇 徐達勇 應用工程總監 (安謀國際)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00

R3 - 1st Conference Room

黃瀚萱 ▌The Development of Multimodal TAIDE Models
黃瀚萱 副研究員 (中研院)

09/27 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/27 (Fri.) 15:00-15:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

☕ Coffee Break

09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

許朝詠 ▌The Journey of Digital Transformation in the Steel Industry Driven by AI Technology
許朝詠 研究員 (中鋼)

09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00

R1 - 1st Conference Room

高士方 ▌AI ERA of Computing-Empowering the future with AI
高士方 研發資深協理 (MSI 微星科技)

09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

張歐佑豪 ▌From Silicon Design to Software Stack: AMD AI Strategy
張歐佑豪 台灣區商用業務處 資深技術顧問 (AMD)

09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00

R3 - 1st Conference Room

邱銘彰 ▌The Secrets of AI: Unveiling the Keys to Success in AI Projects
邱銘彰 顧問 (台灣駭客協會)

09/27 (Fri.) 15:30-16:00

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

李慕約 ▌「用AI寫程式! 工作流程自動化!」工作坊
李慕約 策展人 (Generative AI Conference)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

覺文郁 覺文郁 終身特聘教授 (臺大)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30

R1 - 1st Conference Room

林茂昌 ▌AI for All: Evolving from AI Supply Chain to Value Chain 
林茂昌 董事長 (新漢智能系統股份有限公司)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

楊子翔 ▌From no-code, low-code to full-code AI model DevOps: QOCA aim, an AI Medical Platform
楊子翔 資深處長 (廣達電腦)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30

R3 - 1st Conference Room

翁浩正 ▌The Evolution of Cybersecurity Attacks in the GenAI Era

09/27 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

葉家順 葉家順 協理 (聯發科技)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00

R1 - 1st Conference Room

周哲維 ▌ Artificial Intelligent in Manufacturing for CNC machine
周哲維 助理教授 (逢甲大學)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

林緯 ▌Breaking Barriers in Generative AI Deployment: Phison aiDAPTIV
林緯 技術長 (群聯電子)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00

R3 - 1st Conference Room

查士朝 ▌AI and Security Governance
查士朝 教授 (台科大)

09/27 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/28 (Sat.) Day 2

09/28 (Sat.) 09:00-09:30

R0 - International Conference Hall


09/28 (Sat.) Topic

R0 - International Conference Hall

AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全

09/28 (Sat.) 09:30-11:15

R0 - International Conference Hall

李育杰 鄭振牟 侯宜秀 李育杰 研究員 (中研院資創中心) ▌Sovereign AI
鄭振牟 教授 (長庚大學) ▌Secure AI Inference Techniques: A Tutorial
侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)

09/28 (Sat.) 11:15-12:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

侯宜秀 吳誠文 李育杰 ▌AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全
Moderator: 侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)
Introducer: 吳誠文 主任委員 (國家科學及技術委員會)
Panelist: 吳誠文 主委 (國家科學及技術委員會) 李育杰 研究員 (中研院資創中心)

09/28 (Sat.) 12:00-13:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

🍱 Lunch

09/28 (Sat.) Topic

R0 - International Conference Hall


09/28 (Sat.) Topic

R1 - 1st Conference Room


09/28 (Sat.) Topic

R2 - 2nd Conference Room


09/28 (Sat.) Topic

R3 - 1st Conference Room


09/28 (Sat.) Topic

R4 - Flat Presentation Room


09/28 (Sat.) Moderator

R0 - International Conference Hall

張嘉惠 張嘉惠 教授 (中央大學)

09/28 (Sat.) Moderator

R1 - 1st Conference Room

周哲維 周哲維 助理教授 (逢甲大學)

09/28 (Sat.) Moderator

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

高宏宇 高宏宇 資訊學院教授 (清華大學)

09/28 (Sat.) Moderator

R3 - 1st Conference Room

張剛羚 張剛羚 Executive Director & CSO (TAIA)

09/28 (Sat.) Moderator

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

侯宜秀 侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

蔡宗翰 ▌Task Design, Dataset Creation, and Evaluation: Keys to LLM Deployment and Taiwan's AI Foundry
蔡宗翰 研究員 (中研院人社中心)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30

R1 - 1st Conference Room

陳敦和 ▌Taxonomy of LLM Development and Applications in Industries
陳敦和 產品顧問 (資拓宏宇)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

許凱程 ▌Agentic LLM and Smart Healthcare
許凱程 Chief Medical Officer, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories (工研院)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

【 好資料哪裡來? 】
游家牧 ▌資料與隱私的平衡
游家牧 Associate Professor (NYCU)

卞中佩 ▌社科資料運用
卞中佩 Assistant Professor (NCCU) 【 繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計劃 】 【 資料治理法草案 】
【 討論 】

09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

張文熙 ▌Sharing the Experience of Business Transformation Using Artificial Intelligence in the Ministry of Finance.
張文熙 主任 (財政部財資中心)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00

R1 - 1st Conference Room

官順暉 ▌Orchestrating the Future: AI Innovations in Music Streaming
官順暉 Chief Scientist (科科科技)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

賴來勳 ▌From Digital Transformation to Smart Hospital
賴來勳 主任 (臺中榮民總醫院資訊室)

09/28 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

廖弘源 ▌The Taiwan CbI Program
廖弘源 副執行長 (晶創計劃)

09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30

R1 - 1st Conference Room

李昆謀 ▌Retail AI: from recommendation to agent
李昆謀 CPO (91APP)

09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

康仕仲 ▌How can AI help nurses?
康仕仲 CEO (Smart Ageing Tech (Jubo))

09/28 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00

R0 - International Conference Hall

楊立偉 ▌AI is revolutionizing knowledge management! See the change now and what's next.
楊立偉 董事總經理 (意藍資訊)

09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00

R1 - 1st Conference Room

林縣城 ▌Enterprise AI Application Practices - Expect the Unexpected!
林縣城 Innovation Research Center, CTO (叡揚資訊)

09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00

R2 - 2nd Conference Room

邱泊寰 ▌The Taiwan government's challenges and unexpected word-of-mouth success in introducing AI
邱泊寰 Designer (CAMEO)

09/28 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00

R4 - Flat Presentation Room

speaker TBD

09/28 (Sat.) 15:00-15:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

☕ Coffee Break

09/28 (Sat.) 15:30-16:20

R0 - International Conference Hall

【 陳昇瑋紀念講座 】
陳維超 ▌Delivering Trust in the AI Era
陳維超 數位長暨資深副總經理 (英業達)

09/28 (Sat.) 16:20-16:30

R0 - International Conference Hall

郭秉宸 ▌Close Talk
郭秉宸 產學長 (台灣人工智慧學校)

09/27 (Fri.) Day 1

eng_icon 英語 playback_icon 可回看 slide_icon 簡報檔 info_png講者授權確認中
※ 講者授權回看與講義分享標示仍在調查補齊中
BuildingHumanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia SinicaAcademia Sinica Academic
Activities Center
International Conference Hall
1st Conference Room
2nd Conference Room
1st Conference Room
Flat Presentation Room
09:30-09:50【 🎊 Welcome & Opening Remarks 】
09:50-10:00Group Photo

童子賢 ▌AI-Driven Revolution: Opportunities for Taiwan's Industries
童子賢 董事長 (和碩聯合科技)


黃志芳 黃志芳 董事長 (外貿協會)


蔡明順 ▌Intelligent Leap: The Transformative Journey of Taiwan AI Academy
蔡明順 校務長 (台灣人工智慧學校)

12:00-13:00🍱 Lunch

張嘉惠 張嘉惠 教授 (中央大學)

周哲維 周哲維 助理教授 (逢甲大學)

高宏宇 高宏宇 資訊學院教授 (清華大學)

莊坤達 莊坤達 副教授 (成功大學)

侯宜秀 侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)


劉思泰 ▌Intelligent Computing X Edge Al in Driving Innovation in the Al Era
劉思泰 副總裁台灣、東南亞與紐澳區總裁 (Qualcomm)

黃仕鎮 ▌Generative AI applications in E.SUN Bank
黃仕鎮 資料科學總監 (玉山銀行)

王宗業 ▌Open platform for enterprise ready AI
王宗業 Network and Edge Group, Platform Software Architect (Intel)

陳宜昌 ▌Breeze 2.0: An Open-source Traditional Chinese LLM with API-using Capabilities and Other Development-oriented Features
陳宜昌 Senior Technology Manager (聯發創新基地)

speaker TBD


栗永徽 ▌From Prediction to Simulation: Unveiling HHRI's Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs in Autonomous Driving Technology
栗永徽 所長 (鴻海研究院AI研究所)

楊政霖 ▌LLMs in Cybersecurity Products: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
楊政霖 Director of Data Science (CyCraft)

徐國翰 ▌Water-Cooling-free. How to fulfill ultra low energy consumption NPU IP for ptivate Large Language Model(LLM)
徐國翰 AI 晶片設計處資深處長 (英業達)

吳振和 ▌Multimodal RAG Framework
吳振和 Cloud AI+ Center, VP (cacaFly)

吳俊興 ▌「用Kuwa打造自己的AI智囊團」工作坊
吳俊興 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (National University of Kaohsiung)


王景弘 ▌資通訊業AI 2.0之布局與實踐
王景弘 副院長 (中華電信研究院)

溫紹群 ▌Unleashing AI Empowerment: a Game-Changing Ecosystem of Shared Innovation
溫紹群 Technology & Transformation (Deloitte)

蔡祈岩 ▌AI, the Age of It: A Great Opportunity for Taiwanese Businesses
蔡祈岩 資訊長 (台灣大哥大)

黃彥翔 ▌Intelligent System Design for Optimized IC Design
黃彥翔 應用工程總監 (Cadence)

speaker TBD


張朝亮 ▌High-Performance Computing Infrastructures and Technologies for Wide Adoption of AI in Taiwan
張朝亮 主任 (國網中心)

胡德民 ▌AI-Driven Future: FET's Digital Transformation Journey
胡德民 資訊暨數位轉型科技群執行副總 (遠傳電信)

徐達勇 徐達勇 應用工程總監 (安謀國際)

黃瀚萱 ▌The Development of Multimodal TAIDE Models
黃瀚萱 副研究員 (中研院)

speaker TBD

15:00-15:30☕ Coffee Break

許朝詠 ▌The Journey of Digital Transformation in the Steel Industry Driven by AI Technology
許朝詠 研究員 (中鋼)

高士方 ▌AI ERA of Computing-Empowering the future with AI
高士方 研發資深協理 (MSI 微星科技)

張歐佑豪 ▌From Silicon Design to Software Stack: AMD AI Strategy
張歐佑豪 台灣區商用業務處 資深技術顧問 (AMD)

邱銘彰 ▌The Secrets of AI: Unveiling the Keys to Success in AI Projects
邱銘彰 顧問 (台灣駭客協會)

李慕約 ▌「用AI寫程式! 工作流程自動化!」工作坊
李慕約 策展人 (Generative AI Conference)


覺文郁 覺文郁 終身特聘教授 (臺大)

林茂昌 ▌AI for All: Evolving from AI Supply Chain to Value Chain 
林茂昌 董事長 (新漢智能系統股份有限公司)

楊子翔 ▌From no-code, low-code to full-code AI model DevOps: QOCA aim, an AI Medical Platform
楊子翔 資深處長 (廣達電腦)

翁浩正 ▌The Evolution of Cybersecurity Attacks in the GenAI Era

speaker TBD


葉家順 葉家順 協理 (聯發科技)

周哲維 ▌ Artificial Intelligent in Manufacturing for CNC machine
周哲維 助理教授 (逢甲大學)

林緯 ▌Breaking Barriers in Generative AI Deployment: Phison aiDAPTIV
林緯 技術長 (群聯電子)

查士朝 ▌AI and Security Governance
查士朝 教授 (台科大)

speaker TBD


Buy Tickets

09/28 (Sat.) Day 2

eng_icon 英語 playback_icon 可回看 slide_icon 簡報檔 info_png講者授權確認中
※ 講者授權回看與講義分享標示仍在調查補齊中
BuildingHumanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia SinicaAcademia Sinica Academic
Activities Center
International Conference Hall
1st Conference Room
2nd Conference Room
1st Conference Room
Flat Presentation Room
TopicAI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全

李育杰 鄭振牟 侯宜秀 李育杰 研究員 (中研院資創中心) ▌Sovereign AI
鄭振牟 教授 (長庚大學) ▌Secure AI Inference Techniques: A Tutorial
侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)


侯宜秀 吳誠文 李育杰 ▌AI 的平衡木:技術突破、倫理邊界與國家安全
Moderator: 侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)
Introducer: 吳誠文 主任委員 (國家科學及技術委員會)
Panelist: 吳誠文 主委 (國家科學及技術委員會) 李育杰 研究員 (中研院資創中心)

12:00-13:00🍱 Lunch

張嘉惠 張嘉惠 教授 (中央大學)

周哲維 周哲維 助理教授 (逢甲大學)

高宏宇 高宏宇 資訊學院教授 (清華大學)

張剛羚 張剛羚 Executive Director & CSO (TAIA)

侯宜秀 侯宜秀 秘書長 (財團法人台灣人工智慧學校基金會)


蔡宗翰 ▌Task Design, Dataset Creation, and Evaluation: Keys to LLM Deployment and Taiwan's AI Foundry
蔡宗翰 研究員 (中研院人社中心)

陳敦和 ▌Taxonomy of LLM Development and Applications in Industries
陳敦和 產品顧問 (資拓宏宇)

許凱程 ▌Agentic LLM and Smart Healthcare
許凱程 Chief Medical Officer, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories (工研院)

【 Flash Talk 】
吳威翰 ▌Craft your Growth Strategy with a Fully Fine-tuned AI Brain
吳威翰 Founder and CEO (Accucrazy)

【 Flash Talk 】
沈宜婷 ▌Insecure llama🦙: When LLM becomes a weapon for hackers
沈宜婷 SOC/Security Engineer (CHT Security)

【 Flash Talk 】
李明達 ▌The Application of the Latest AI Algorithms in Temple Field.
李明達 Founder (MYAI168.COM)

【 好資料哪裡來? 】
游家牧 ▌資料與隱私的平衡
游家牧 Associate Professor (NYCU)

卞中佩 ▌社科資料運用
卞中佩 Assistant Professor (NCCU) 【 繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計劃 】 【 資料治理法草案 】
【 討論 】


張文熙 ▌Sharing the Experience of Business Transformation Using Artificial Intelligence in the Ministry of Finance.
張文熙 主任 (財政部財資中心)

官順暉 ▌Orchestrating the Future: AI Innovations in Music Streaming
官順暉 Chief Scientist (科科科技)

賴來勳 ▌From Digital Transformation to Smart Hospital
賴來勳 主任 (臺中榮民總醫院資訊室)

【 Flash Talk 】
李慕約 ▌How non-engineers can use AI to write code and leave work five minutes earlier
李慕約 策展人 (Generative AI Conference)

【 Flash Talk 】
林育弘 ▌Multimodal AI Empowering Smart Manufacturing Upgradation
林育弘 Director (AI System Plan Department)

speaker TBD


廖弘源 ▌The Taiwan CbI Program
廖弘源 副執行長 (晶創計劃)

李昆謀 ▌Retail AI: from recommendation to agent
李昆謀 CPO (91APP)

康仕仲 ▌How can AI help nurses?
康仕仲 CEO (Smart Ageing Tech (Jubo))

【 Flash Talk 】
高季安 ▌AI-Driven Manufacturing Innovation: Enhancing Quality Control with Visual AI Platforms and Generative Image Technology
高季安 總經理 (先知科技)

【 Flash Talk 】
張文鈿 ▌Eval-Driven-Development
張文鈿 Founder (AIHAO Information Technology Co.)

【 Flash Talk 】
胡翔崴 ▌Advancing Medical Innovation with Multimodal Edge Computing Technologies
胡翔崴 Information and Communications Research Laboratories(ICL), Computational Intelligent Technology Division, Engineer (Industrial Technology Research Institute)

speaker TBD


楊立偉 ▌AI is revolutionizing knowledge management! See the change now and what's next.
楊立偉 董事總經理 (意藍資訊)

林縣城 ▌Enterprise AI Application Practices - Expect the Unexpected!
林縣城 Innovation Research Center, CTO (叡揚資訊)

邱泊寰 ▌The Taiwan government's challenges and unexpected word-of-mouth success in introducing AI
邱泊寰 Designer (CAMEO)

【 Flash Talk 】
呂宏益 ▌Sensing the Future and Industrial AI Applications
呂宏益 CEO (Harbor Technology Solutions Co., Ltd.)

【 Flash Talk 】
謝宗震 ▌Decarbonizing Energy-intensive Industry: How AI Solutions Accelerate ESG Goals
謝宗震 CEO (Chimes AI)

speaker TBD

15:00-15:30☕ Coffee Break

【 陳昇瑋紀念講座 】
陳維超 ▌Delivering Trust in the AI Era
陳維超 數位長暨資深副總經理 (英業達)


郭秉宸 ▌Close Talk
郭秉宸 產學長 (台灣人工智慧學校)


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